A Hole, where my Heart was..

Start from the beginning

"Dude, are you okay??"

Basil turned over to the voice to his right.

It was Kel.

"I-I'm okay, I guess..."

"You were sleeping right next to an ant's nest."


Basil looked to his right. A humongous mound of sand with black ants was about 10 centimetres away. How did he not notice that??


He scrambled to his feet, and stumbled backwards.

"heh- you okay there, bud?", Kel asked.

"I-I'm okay, just a little startled.."

"Why don't we just- sit down, away from that thing-", Kel suggested awkwardly, sitting down.
Basil followed him.

Awkward silence.

The two of them faced slightly away from each other. They didn't know what to say, and the tension was getting thicker by the minute.

At last, Kel broke the ice.

"Soo...", Kel scratched the back of his head. "How's...life? How's life for you-?", Kel slapped his head, chuckling to himself, "Of course, stupid question, life is such a mess right now..."

"It's okay Kel.", Basil smiled sadly at him, "You don't have to talk to me if you don't want to."

"Wha-Of course I still want to talk to you! You're my best friend!"

Basil looked down ashamedly, "Bu-But after what I did- you shouldn't be talking to me. I'm a freak. Aubrey was right, Kel. Please-I.." Basil desperately tried to wipe away the tears forming in his eyes.

Kel tensed up and tried to calm him down, patting his back, inwardly panicking.

"N-No Basil! Don't say that, you were both kids, and you both have gone through s-so much over these past few years- really I'm glad we got to know about this at least now!"

"Be honest Kel, I can't believe those positive words anymore. You've got to be feeling some kind of anger about this."

Kel instantly recoiled and took back his hand. He slowly curled up, and started thinking, slightly rocking. The perpetual happy expression was once again replaced by a hollow despaired one.

Silence once again.

"I am angry."

Basil internally winced, if that was even possible. Kel being angry was serious.


Kel played with his jersey sleeve.

"For the sake of everyone else, I have to hold it in. I want everyone to just- be normal again! Why can't we just ever catch a break??" Tears spilled uncontrollably from his face, and he tried to wipe them off unsuccessfully.

"Kel I-"

"I'm sorry- this isn't me right now, right?? Heh, this is embarrassing...", Kel mumbled, hiding his face. "I just want us all to be friends again...". It was Basil's turn to pat Kel's back now.

"It's okay Kel, you needed to let it out anyways.", Basil shakily said.

"T-Thanks Basil, you're a great friend..."

"I am? Even after all..that?"

Kel contemplated for a bit, "Well...a little messed up, but it's fine. We'll work that out"

The two of them laughed, a bit stiffly, but still it was nice.

"Basil.", Kel suddenly spoke.


"Could you do me a favour?"

"What is it?", Basil questioned.

Kel took a deep breath, and closed his eyes.

"Promise me you'll help me get everyone back together."

Hmm. It wasn't really what Basil had expected, rather he'd anticipated something less...wholesome. Whatever, at least he'd get a chance to redeem himself.

"O-of course Kel. Anything for you."

Kel scooted over and hugged him, "Thank you so, so much Basil-I promise it will all be okay-."

That sounded awfully familiar. Basil had a bad feeling about this, but he didn't want to discourage Kel so he just went with it.

"Sure Kel, now-", he gently returned the hug, "Who are we starting with?"

Kel jumped up, more enthusiastically, pulling up Basil. He seemed back to his old self. That was good, Basil didn't know if he could handle Kel and his bottled feelings.

"Weeelll...", Kel scratched his head thoughtfully, "I thought we'd start off with Aubrey!"

Basil's mouth dropped open.



awwww poor kel i wanna give him a hug

I'm trying to write my best, tell me if I made any mistakes since my english has rapidly deteriorated these past few days lol

thank u and stay safe byeee

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