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That moment when I realise
That I could not bring
My words to sing
The song of my soul
And make you understand
And hear the silent girl
Finally speak up.

When I realised,
That no matter what I write
Or how I write
My words would never reach
Let alone move you
Or make you understand.

I write page after page,
Word after word,
But nothing seems to work.
Everyone loves my writings
Except for the one I write for.

After doing so much for you
Giving you everything
Yet you choose to show
Ungratefulness and indifference.
How can a human behave this way?
But then again,
Only humans, can be inhuman.

As that realisation hits,
My pen stops,
Every caress followed by agony.
I, as a writer, have failed
And suddenly,
I fall,

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