"Whatever it is Simon, we have to do it fast." Fox tells Simon still looking into the dark woods waiting for something to pop out for a jump scare.

"We can un-disturb it! Just put the bones back, rebury them, and put her to rest!" Simon told them but Deena just shakes her head.

"No, that's so stupid!" Deena tells Simon as Fox looks over at her.

"Well it's the only option we got right now Deena!" Fox calls out to them as she turns back to the woods.

"That's genius!" Josh tells Simon, making the blonde boy smile.

"Yeah! In...in Poltergeist!" Simon tells them as Fox nods she had seen that movie over twenty times.


They all look over again hearing something in the woods. Fox gets up and walks around a little looking in the woods but not walking too far into the woods.

"Okay hurry and bury her already." Fox tells them in a nervous voice as she points her flashlight in the woods.

Josh ended up walking up next to Fox as they both looked around the woods. Fox pushes Josh behind her when she see something walking in the woods.

"I think there's someone in the woods!" Josh calls out to the others as Fox starts nibbling on her bottom lip.

"Did it work?" Kate calls out to Fox and Josh who are still looking around.

"I don't know!" Fox shouts out to her right before she sees a man with a bag over his head and an ax running right to them.

Fox doesn't waste a second before pushing Josh out of the way only to get slashed in the arm when she gets in his way making her fall to the ground holding onto the slash trying her best not to cry in pain.

"Omg Fox!" Josh says as he takes his jacket off putting it around the cut tightening it making her groan in pain. "Come on, we got to go." Josh tells her to help her as they run to the ambulance where the others were waiting, all of them looking in shock when they see Fox's arm.

"Come on! Run!" Deena shouts as they all hop into the ambulance and Kate drives off.

"That was the Camp Nightwing Killer!" Josh tells them as Fox looks down at her arm and seeing the blood that was soaking the jacket made her feel even more dizzy then before.

"Hey." Simon says as he sits next to her with some peroxide, gauze rapping and some kind of paper towels. "This is going to hurt but it will stop it from bleeding so much." Simon tells her as he starts to unwrap the jacket.

Fox can feel her whole body shaking but she doesn't know if it's from all the blood she has lost or the pine but both seem to be kicking her in the ass.

"Fuck!" She shouts with her eyes closed as sweat drips down her forehead as he pours the peroxide on her arm and starts ripping it with some paper towels before wrapping it with gauze and Simon thanks the gods that he did it quickly.

"Are you okay?" Deena asked Fox as Fox gave her a thumbs up, her eyes still closed.

"That was a bust!" Kate shouts from the driving seat.

"Yeah, maybe because it's not like the movies, okay? It's not as easy as putting bones to rest!" Deena tells them as she gives Sam a towel for her nose to bleed.

"It should've worked. It always works!" Simon told them as Fox squeezed her eyes shut from all the noise.

"Maybe it's her missing hand." Josh told them.

"Who gives a shit? It doesn't matter. Hey, how do I not die?" Kate asked Josh making Fox open her eyes and give her a 'what the hell' look as she looked right at Kate.

"We! How do we not die!" Simon shouts at Kate as Fox looks around at everyone making sure no one is badly hurt. "And I'm looking at you, witch nerd!" Simon tells Josh.

"I..I don't know!" Josh stutters as he throws his hands up.

"They're not coming for us!" Sam shouts, making Fox and everyone else look over at her confused. "They're coming for me." Sam tells them, making everyone even more confused.

"What?" Deena asked Sam, confused not knowing how the hell she would even know that.

"I saw her again. The witch. She....I disturbed her grave. She wants me." Sam tells them as Fox sighs a little.

"Well if someone disturbed my grave and bleed on my bones I would be pissed too." Fox says making everyone look at her as Simon nods but Deena gives her a glare making Fox shrug. "What I was just saying." Fox tells Deena throwing her hands up.

"Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Nightwing ran right by me and only hurt Fox because she got in his way. Fox pushed me out of his way; it was like he didn't see me. He went for her." Josh told all of them, making Fox nod.

Nightwing didn't bother her when she dropped to the ground and was out of his way.

"Guys, no! Ruby attacked Simon." Deena said to them, making Fox look over at Simon. "Skull Mask came after us at home. And while you guys were babysitting!" She tells them as Fox let out a tired sigh before the ambulance swings right and parks and a second later Kate gets up and walks into the back.

"No, he didn't. Skull Mask didn't care about us. He wanted this. Sam's blood." Kate tells them as she walks over to Simon unzipping his sweater showing the blood on his white shirt.

"What the fu..." Deena starts as she looks at the white shirt.

"Oh! Yeah! From the crash when Sam puked period! It's Jaws, dude! A shark smelling blood! Kate's right! When we found Skeletor, he was all sniffy and weird with my shirt like a perv in a pantie shop!" Simon tells them, making Fox giggle a little at his words.

"Yeah, but he came to our house too!" Deena tells them but Fox just looks her up and down only to see blood on her twin's shores.

"Deena." Kate says making Deena look at her only to see Kate looking at Deena's shores making her look down and see blood on her white shores.

"Sam bled on her bones, now the witch wants more of her blood!" Simon shouts freaking out.

"Okay, so what do they do in Jaws?" Sam asked Simon not knowing what to do to stay alive.

"They didn't go skinny-dipping with the goddamn bait." Kate tells Sam making Fox nod a little.

"She's not bait!" Deena tells Kate, making Fox shrug again.

"Well she practically is." Fox tells Deena, making her sister roll her eyes a little.

"Fox is right, she is." Josh tells Deena making look in between her two siblings. "Seriously, if we're right and they're after her...let's give these assholes what they want." Josh tells them making Fox smile.

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