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When they got to the hospital Fox was trying her best not to fall asleep. She had work in the morning and this is not what she wanted to be doing but at the same time she wanted to make sure Pater didn't try to pull anymore shit.

When they got inside the crappy hospital the woman at the front desk was doing her nails not paying attention, making Deena let out an annoyed sigh before tapping on the bell.

"Fill these out and take a seat." The lady tells Deena as she hands her some papers.

"No, I'm just visiting." Deena tells her as she pushes the papers back.

"Visiting hours ends at nine." The lady tells Deena still not looking away from his nails.

Kate cleared her throat and walked up to the lady. "Tell Nurse Beddy she has a patient." Kate tells the lady making her look up from her nails for the first time.

A little bit later a man walks out his name tag saying 'Eddy' and in front of it was a blue B making it say 'Beddy' his hands were behind his back as he walked up to Kate.

"Beddy. Long time, how you been?" Kate said to Beddy with a smile.

"Still toting around with this moron." Beddy told Kate as she nodded his head towards Simon who gave Beddy a fake smile.

"She can't quit me, Beddy. Too pretty!" Simon tells Beddy making Fox giggle a little as she leans into Simon a little making Beddy scoff.

"Listen, we need your assistance," Kate tells Beddy, making him look back at her and walk a little closer.

"I'm sure that you do, but there happens to be a new security protocol. We ketp coming up short on blueberries and bananas. So now I need a special key-" Beddy tells her making Fox sigh a little she knows what 'blueberries and bananas' means.

"I need to see a patient." Deena snaps at Beddy as she steps in front of him before they both leave.


Fox, Simon, Kate and Josh were all walking down the hall to the vending machine. Fox wasn't really paying attention to what was really happening; she just wanted to sleep. 

"Yo, Si-Money. Cash me." Kate tells Simon, making him shrug a little.

"Don't look at me, dude. I'm...I'm...I'm broke." Simon tells her making Kate look over Fox who throws her hands up shaking her head.

"I don't have any money on me." Fox tells her witch was true she didn't bring any of her money.

"You got any change?" Kate asked Josh, making him look a little nervous.

"Oh,um....Let me check." Josh said as he checked his pockets but came up empty. "Uh, no. Uh, but I..." Josh started to say as he walked over to the vending machine pressing some random buttons before backing up as all the candy fell.

Fox doesn't wait before running over grabbing a whole bunch of candy shoving her pockets before backing up eating a chocolate bar.

"Where'd you learn how to do this?" Kate asked Josh as they all walk down the hallway.

"Because he's a nerd." Fox tells Kate as she wraps an arm around Josh's neck kissing the back of his head making him gag trying to act cool making Fox roll her eyes a little.

"Oh, a lot of people trade hacks online." Josh tells Kate as he glares at his older sister.

"Nerd." Simon says over a cough, making Fox slap him in the back of his head. "Hey you said it too." Simon said to Fox but she just shakes her head.

"I'm his sister. I can make fun of him all I want but you can't." Fox tells Simon making him nod a little not wanting to get slapped again.

"So, um..when'd you get into the fruit business?" Josh asked Kate, trying to flirt, making Fox shake her head a little before taking another bite as Kate and Simon looked at him confused.

"What?" Kate asked Josh, making him a little more nervous.

"Um...the,uh..drugs." Josh asked her, making Kate smile a little.

"Oh, that's just temporary. Saving up to get out of here." Kate tells Josh with a proud smile as her and Fox fist bump.

"Take me with you." Josh blurts out making Fox choke on her chocolate as Simon makes a fake bomb explosion sound as he makes an explosion with his hand. 

Before anyone can say anything they hear screaming they all turn and see Sam and Deena screaming as they run down the hall making them all confused.

"Run!" Deena shouts at them but they all stay still not knowing what the fuck is going on.

"Did they get back together?" Simon asks before Skull Mask runs by them making Fox and Kate scream before all they start running away.

They run to the front doors. Simon looks outside not knowing what to do.

"What the fuck should we do now!" Fox asked as she looked around.

"Where are the keys? Do you have the keys?" Simon asked Josh, making him shake his head as Simon looked over at Kate. "Where.....where are the keys?" Simon asked Kate who doesn't answer his question instead walks backwards well holding onto Fox's arm.

"Come on. The ambulance!" Kate shouts at them and they all run to the ambulance which some dumbass left the keys in.

Fox sits in the front with Kate looking around as they wait in the ambulance for Sam and Deena.

"Where are they?" Fox asked as she picked at her nails not noticing that they were starting to bleed until Kate reached her hand over, moving Fox's hand apart.

"We're going to find them." Kate tells Fox, making her nod a little but the feeling in her gut telling her that things are not going to be okay for them didn't go away.

"There they are!" Josh says as he and Simon open the back doors calling for Sam and Deena and right when they all get in Kate drives off before Skull Mask can get to them.

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