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Fox was closing up the bookstore when two arms wrapped around her waist making her jump a little but she calmed down when David's scent went through her nose

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Fox was closing up the bookstore when two arms wrapped around her waist making her jump a little but she calmed down when David's scent went through her nose.

"It's not nice to scare me." Fox tells David as she looks up at him with a pout as he smiles at her before pecking her check.

"Oh I'm sorry little flower." He tells her before putting her lips on hers making her hum a little before pulling out of his arms.

She walked over to the new box of books they got today and put the last few she hadn't gotten yet and put them away as David waited for her.

David brought her home most nights not liking when she walked home so late at night which Fox liked because she hated having to wonder if she would get home safe at night or not.

After she was done putting the books away she shut off all the lights in the back before walking up front putting on her sweater and her keys.

"Ready." She walks him as she walks up to him grabbing his hand as they walk out and into his blue car.

"How are things at home?" David asked Fox as she shrugged a little playing with her fingers. Fox had told David how her dad would drink most of the day away.

"The same as always." Fox told him before grabbing David's hand that wasn't on the steering wheel.

"I can't wait for you to get out of High School so you can come and live with me." David tells Fox as she puts her head on his arm.

"Some day." Fox tells him and leans over to kiss his check.

They sit in silence for the rest of the ride and David stops three houses away from Fox's house she unbuckles before turning to him giving him a kiss as they kiss she feels him put something in her back pocket.

Fox pulls away from him putting her hand in her back pocket pulling out fifty bucks she frowns and holds it out to him as he shakes his head.

"You know I don't like taking your money, it feels wrong." She said to David as he kissed her check.

"I like to give you money so take it." David tells her as he puts a piece of hair behind her ear as lays his hand on her check. "I love you bye." He told her as he kissed her forehead then sat back in his car seat.

"I love you too." She tells him in her sweet voice making him smile at her before she get out of the car putting the money he gave her in his wallet.

When Fox gets into the house she sees her dad on the couch drunk past out she sighs as she grabs all of his cans throwing them away before walking to Deena's room peeking her head through to see if her twin is awake.

"Hey." Fox whispers into the dark of Deena room and shuts the door when there isn't an answer.

" Fox whispers into the dark of Deena room and shuts the door when there isn't an answer

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.
Flower ~ OcxOc (Fear Street 1994 and 1666)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat