Part 2

928 10 1

2:03 am

Kie: I can't sleep

Sarah: me neither

Kie: why?

Sarah: John b is snoring


Sarah: yes 😭

Kie: I feel for u

Sarah: Ty

JJ: wot is going on

Kie: can't sleep

Sarah: neither

JJ: Well I was asleep till y'all woke me up

Kie: u don't silence ur phone when ur sleeping?

JJ: nope

Kie: okay then

John b: Sarah where are u

Sarah: on the couch

John b: oh why

Kie: cause u were snoring

John b: NO I WAS NOT

Sarah: u were I couldn't get to sleep

John b: oh srry ❤️

Sarah: it's okay 🥰

John b: 😘

JJ: wtf

Sarah: what

John b: what

JJ: stop being cringe

Sarah: ok

John b: stfu JJ

JJ: JB go find ur wife

John b: ok



Pope: done 👍

JJ: that emoji is goofy af

Pope: u are goofy af

Kie: lolz

8:53 am

Cleo: what was going on last night

Sarah: we couldn't sleep

Cleo: oh

JJ: ye then they woke me up 🙄

Sarah: JJ where is kie

JJ: wdym

Sarah: she won't answer me on priv

JJ: oh ummmm

JJ: check her snap maps

Sarah: I can't she keeps them off 24/7

Pope: she is at the wreck I think

JJ: hdyk?

Pope: cause my dad was supplying and he said she said hi to him

JJ: oh

Sarah: oh okay Ty pope

John b: hey Sarah ❤️

JJ: oh no not this again

Sarah: John b go on priv

John b: why?

John b: oh hahaha 😏

Sarah: 😘

JJ: I don't even wanna know what that's about


Sorry guys not that exciting again I'm just a bit busy atm 🫶🏼
I will try harder on the next one <3

Word count: 300

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