Part 4: Breaking Point

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Delilah burst into the room, waving her arms excitedly. "Everyone, quick! Ethan is bringing Cathlin in, we need to get ready to surprise her!"

The room sprang into action as everyone scrambled to their feet, arranging themselves into a neat line along the walls.

Just as the door swung open, Ethan entered, leading Cathlin by the hand. She looked breathtaking in a shimmering gold gown, her hair cascading freely down her back.

"Surprise!" everyone shouted in unison as Cathlin stepped into the room. She looked around in amazement, a huge smile spreading across her face.

Ethan guided Cathlin to her seat at the head of the table, his excitement palpable. He cleared his throat and began addressing the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for joining us tonight to celebrate Cathlin's birthday," Ethan said, his face radiant with joy. "But tonight, something even more special is about to happen."

Cathlin looked perplexed as Ethan knelt before her. Her parents emerged from the kitchen, causing Armina's stomach to churn with anxiety. Niall moved closer to Armina, offering her comfort.

"Ethan, what are you doing?" Cathlin stammered, her eyes welling up with tears.

Ethan retrieved a ring box and opened it, revealing a dazzling diamond ring. A photographer and videographer appeared, capturing the moment. Cathlin's hands flew to her mouth as she realized what was happening.

"Cathlin Davis, the first time I proposed wasn't what we both envisioned," Ethan said, his voice trembling with emotion. "But tonight, I brought our families together because I want to show you that my love for you is real."

Cathlin's heart swelled with emotion as Ethan continued, "Will you, Cathlin Evergreen Davis, do me the honor of marrying me?"

Overwhelmed by emotions, Cathlin glanced around, catching glimpses of Armina's tearful eyes, Delilah's surprised expression, and their friends and family's enthusiastic cheers. She extended her left hand, tears streaming down her face.

"Yes, Ethan, yes!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her joy.

The room erupted in applause and cheers as Ethan slipped the ring onto Cathlin's finger. The couple embraced, and everyone rushed up to congratulate them.

Niall surprised Nathan by enveloping Armina in his arms, offering her solace. Delilah had also been taken aback by the sudden turn of events but was prodded by Willow to join in the celebrations, extending her congratulations to the couple.

Armina managed to evade Niall's grasp and retreated to her room, wrestling with conflicting feelings. She closed the door behind her and let her tears flow freely, attempting to process the whirlwind of events.

After a while, she wiped her tears and took a deep breath, resolved to confront the situation with courage and grace.

Armina cautiously emerged from her room, making sure that nobody had noticed her absence. However, Nathan, ever observant, immediately pulled out a chair for her, allowing her to gracefully take her seat. The waiters and waitresses began serving dinner, and the room was soon filled with small talk and laughter. As the evening wore on and some guests began to leave, Armina guided Nathan into the living room where they settled onto the sofa.

Once everyone else had gathered in the living room: Willow, Niall, Ava, Delilah, both sets of parents, and Ethan and Cathlin, Nathan turned to Niall and inquired about how he and Armina had crossed paths. Armina tried to tune out the conversation, feeling an impending sense of unease. However, her thoughts were interrupted when Willow suddenly addressed her directly.

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