Chapter 1

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In shivaay's room

the neverending debate of omru vs shivaay was going on. the topic was still  Anika. they were trying to make him realize that he love her and he was vehemently opposed to the idea. like he doesn't think about her often, has dreams about her, his heart doesn't beat incredibly fast when he even hears her name, and can't take off his eyes when she is near him.

He come back to sense from all the overthinking and told them "I don't know how you even got that idea but let me tell you she is not my type. I don't like her and I will never like someone without blood and lineage and who is not from a high-class family. tell me does she have any of this? no right. so I don't want to talk about this anymore we are stopping this conversion here, forever." his heart broke a little but he knew it need to be out there for people to believe including him. as they say fake it till you make it.

anika was going to enter his room for a clear date for marriage. When she hears his justification for his brothers. he is telling them how perfect they are and how she was not worth any attention without the bandage of lineage on her head. how tia was perfect for him in every way for his business, class the perfect trophy wife one can ever get.

If only he knew She was blue-blooded and is far higher than him. Maybe then he will be more than willing to marry her. But she didn't want one like that. She can get more than enough from the market. And after that, she felt bad for omru, who is trying immensely to prove to Mr. Shivaay Singh oberoi that tia is a bad choice and that he loves me.

 So she stepped in for them and cleared her throat. They flickered her eyes to her and him. They could see a storm masked behind her calm smile and disposition. Omkara may not say it but he always wished anika to be shivaay's partner because he knew she was strong enough to help him carry the weight which his brother stubbornly doesn't share with anybody.

 both of them were going to leave the room. But she called them and made them sit on the sofa on the side and she perched on top of the tabletop and extended her hands to hold theirs.

 shivaay was just standing near the window, observing them. His brothers with the one he loves. He may strongly oppose the idea in front of everyone, but this is the truth and he knows it well. He knows as he keeps fighting it, It is getting stronger and deep: and it can hurt as much. He doesn't wanna make her sad but, He keeps hurting her. He saw the change of expression when he proposed in front of her. From surprise to hurt to fake smiles. She has always been shit at managing her facial expression.

 Their eyes meet and both didn't let go. It is like they consume each other and can't take their eyes off each other. she breaks eye contact first and looks at the two people in front of her and asks them "do you want me as your bhabhi?". They were a little stunned and blinked rapidly, but she smiled at them and told them "you are forcing him to propose to me but you didn't ask me about Him. if I want to be with shivaay or not do I like him or not?". They look down without anything to say. I looked at shivaay for a brief second. He was still, but there was a different glint in his eyes. it felt like fear of some sort. 

She continued stroking their hands and answered "Even after all this push if he proposed, I won't say yes"


dear love,

 how was the chapter. if you guys have any questions about the plot feel free to ask,I will try to explain without giving a spoiler. just a heads up English is not my first language so grammar mistakes are prone to happen so feel free to point them out. 


your author

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