Chapter 12- Red Haired Intruder

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I stayed in my room all morning hoping no one would ask what happened last night. I could not sleep since the power made me sick. I vomited everything and then some out of my stomach. Several times, I could hear cousin Rhysand and Morrigan debating talking to me outside my door. Holding my breath, I would be as still as possible to make it appear I was asleep. The second I leave this room, I could not hide from anyone.

Yet again, the sound of footsteps came from outside my door. I gripped the broken sink and waited. I knew I would not hold my luck forever as a knock sounded on the door. I refused to open it and refused to move towards it. How could I be ready for this?

The door opened, and someone walked in. Taking a deep breath, I walk out of the washroom. Instead of my cousins, a red-haired male was inspecting the cracks on the wall and messy bed. "What the cauldron happened here?" the male remarked as he turned around. "Oh, sorry, they told me someone else was staying here. The room across the hall was messy, too, so I assumed you stayed there."

This must be Lucien. He at least matched Elain's description of him, "Elain stayed there last night. Are you Lucien?"

He bowed and confirmed, "I'm Lucien, yes. And you are?" I almost snorted at the gesture of him still bowing only with his head cooked up to look at me.

"What? The fae outside only told you someone was here but didn't give you my name?"

He finally stood and sighed, "No. They had only told me you are in relation to Rhysand. Nothing more. I did not know you were female till I walked into your room by mistake."

We both turned our heads as Elain and Feyre stood in the door. "Lucien, get out of her room! What are you doing?" Feyre inquired, grabbing him to rush him out.

"It is alright, Feyre. Lucien thought since the bed in the room across the hall was messy from Elain staying there, that this one was empty. He knocked, but I never answered."

Elain looked sideways at Lucien, "I'm surprised Lucien didn't know I was in there before..."

Lucien looked...well... I don't know what that face meant, but it was like he was nervous and frustrated at the same time. "I still have not gotten your name?"

"Cyra , she is my friend," Elain introduced me. Lucien's eye narrowed in on me when Elain said I was her friend. I leaned back to try and ease its gaze on my. Understanding they were mates and Elain does not have a lot of friends outside the circle, he may have been deciding if I was a true friend or not. He disappeared into another room, and Feyre went, who knows where. Hopefully, not to alert my cousins, my door is opened.


Elain left for the library and invited me along, but I declined. Instead, I snuck to the kitchen in hopes no one would find me. Cassian almost caught me until Azriel yeld at him from a nearby room. I again swear those shadows were around watching Mr. I whispered a silent thank in in case the shadowsinger helped me get away unnoticed.

Reaching the kitchen, the red-haired male was there. He had a cup of tea and some pieces of cheese. There were reminates of crackers and meat on his plate, which he clearly already ate. Looking up, he addressed me, "Lady Cyra, I have not had lunch yet. However, everyone else has. Seems neither have you."

I laughed my self sore, and the male looked so confused as to why. When he finally asked what was so funny, he only made me laugh more. "I...I just...I'm not a lady!" I gasped between giggles as I tried to calm down.

"You're not? But being related to Rhysand and as a Highfae..."

"No, I'm just Cyra, cousin of Rhysand and Morrigan. Highfae or not, I have no title."

"Oh, I see. How interesting the highlord has not offered the title to you. But the inner circle doesn't like titles, does it?"

I understand what he implied, "I am not one of the circle either, but no, I don't like titles."

His confusing grew, "The Court of Nightmares must not extend such kindness to females."

"The Hewn City does not to those who they cast out. The only title I possess is useless or barren."

"I'm sorry. Guess that makes two of us without a court. Running around looking for scraps and favors from other courts to survive. I have heard more about you from your cousin's and, Elain. She really likes you... she rarely talks to me. Exept about you," he looks sad yet hopeful.

I decided to comfort him, "Elain is just careful. The last man she loved turned her away at the slightest inconvenience. She needs proof that you will not do the same."

His eyes had a new glint, "Did she tell you this?"

"No, not exactly, but I read between the lines."

"You look familiar, Cyra. Have we met before?"

"No, we have not," I did not lie. We have not met but we have seen each other under the mountain. I stood near Amarantha when she tore out his eyes now made of metal.

"Hum, but you do not look like your cousin's, so it is not a family familiarity..." a strange remark.

Panick filled me because I have no idea how this male will reach where I'm from. He definitely wouldn't think I'm a good friend for Elain. Not that she cares what he thinks, but I was raised better than that. "I am related to Rhysand and Morrigan, who do not look much like each other."

Realization filled his eyes but not yet recognition, "Yes... Being from the Court of Nightmares, maybe you're a more distant relation."

"HEWN CITY! Why does everyone, even from other courts or non, refuse to use its name?!" I yeld. Clearly, I was finally fed up with their refusal to acknowledge Hewn's name.

"I apologize, it not a nightmare to live there?" Lucien asked, "Is that not why you are here?"

"It is, but that does not mean everyone can use it as an excuse to never awake up. To never hope someday it could turn into a dream."

Lucien sighed, "Forgive me, Cyra. Some from Hewn are too proud of where they are from. I see now that  it is only that you wish you could be someday."

I eased up a bit. Lucien sounded as defeated and exhausted as me, "Sounds like you know the feeling. Wanting to be proud of where you are from... I know you know the feeling." He only nodded. Sitting down, my attention turned to a bowl of fruit, "It was better than under the mountain..."

Lucien finally realized, and I shrunk into myself as I popped a grape into my mouth, "Cyra... I remember you were there! You were younger, served Amarantha!"

He was about to stand when I stopped him, "I hope you know Lucien that I did not want to stand next to that woman...I was made to believe that I did, but I didn't. I was young and too easy to manipulate. I am here because I am harder to control than that and have nowhere else. "

Lucien considered my words, "I believe you, but I'm still going to need you to prove it. If Elain trusts you, I will, but you still need to earn it. Should you need more than this court, you need to truly belong nowhere to be a friend to me." Then he walked out, and I was alone to eat.

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