Chapter 26- Midnight Meet Up

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"Woo hoo!" Harry screamed happily once we were high enough in the air where no one could hear us.

"Isn't it amazing?" I asked, happy that he was enjoying himself.

"I feel so free! It's so awesome y/n! It's like I'm in a whole new world!" Harry said excitedly. I had to keep myself from cracking up when he mentioned A Whole New World. What was happening right now very well reminded me of A Whole New World from Aladdin. I was breaking Harry free from the confines of his cupboard, much like Aladdin had taken Jasmine out of the walls of her palace. We were also flying in the air, except on a broom instead of a magic carpet. Close enough though.

"So, where to Harry?" I asked, grinning mischievously.

"I've never been to the beach before," Harry suggested.

"To the nearest beach!" I cried out, then accelerated.

The closest beach there was in London (according to what I googled), was Ruislip Lido Beach, located in West London. As we arrived, I did a quick nose dive, which shocked Harry and caused him to hold onto me tighter.

I landed softly onto the sand and Harry and I got off. We both took our shoes and socks off, so our dogs were out and barking. I could feel the sand beneath my toes, and it actually felt quite nice.

Harry seemed fascinated by the sand, as he was scrunching his feet up in it and feeling it with his hands.

"Cool, isn't it?" I asked him. He looked up at me, and I could see that his eyes were sparkling and filled with wonder. It was a beautiful sight to see. He looked out and saw the water, and then started running towards it.

"Look y/n, it's the ocean!" He yelled out to me. I laughed to myself, and then I chased after him. We both reached the undertow and the water began to softly touch the tips of our toes.

"Careful Harry. You don't want to get swept away by the undertow. You'd force me to use magic, which is illegal." I said, warning him.

He sighed, "I know, I know." He then sat down and stared out.

"What's on your mind?" I asked, curious.

"What's it like? Out there, across the ocean. All I've ever known is London and Hogwarts. That's it. I have no idea what the rest of the world is like," Harry said sadly and longingly.

I realized that Harry Potter only took place in London. Throughout the seven years the story covered, Harry had never been anywhere else in the world like the US, Japan, Australia, and any other place.

"You know Harry, there's this really cool country, Japan. I've heard that the cherry blossoms there are absolutely beautiful. We should go someday, together, with the whole crew."

"That sounds wonderful y/n," Harry said, smiling. His face then darkened and his eyes drooped, "But that'll never happen. I'm stuck with the Dursleys. Voldemort's still out there, so I'll probably have to defend everyone from him until he finally dies." My heart panged in my chest at Harry's words. He was right. Throughout all of his years in Hogwarts, he would never be able to have a peaceful and normal year. He would spend every year defending Hogwarts from something dangerous. I thought that being Harry Potter would be super cool, but being the main character came with a price.

"I can help you Harry. I'm sure we can find a way to get you away from the Dursleys. You can rely on me to help you defend everyone from Voldemort as well! I'm your friend. I'm here for you," I said, every ounce of my words being truthful.

Suddenly, warm arms embraced me and I felt warm drops land on my shoulder. Harry buried his head in the crook of my neck, and I saw that he'd removed his glasses so he wouldn't fog them up. I wrapped my arms around Harry to comfort him.

"Thank you y/n. Thank you so much. You wouldn't be able to fathom how much your words mean to me," Harry whispered softly. I almost wanted to cry too. I felt so bad for everything he's had to go through so far, and everything he'll have to go through in the future. Luckily, I was here now, and I was going to make sure to prevent every bad thing I could from Harry and this universe. I was here for a reason, to protect everyone.

Harry let go of me and sat back down, staring across the vast sea. He slid his hand through the sand and gripped my left hand tightly. We intertwined our fingers together and sat there, staring until the sun rose. Once the sky became tinged with orange and the moon began to hide away, Harry and I finally let go of each others hands and went back to my broom.

We flew back to the Dursley's home and I landed in their backyard. I got off to say goodbye to Harry, and he wrapped me in a tight hug. He then gently brushed his lips against my cheek, pulling away with a tomato red blush on his cheeks after.

"Thank you so much for everything y/n. Really," Harry kindly said. He then retreated into the Dursley's home and waved one last time to me. I picked up my broom and flew back to my room. I hadn't noticed how fast my heart was beating until I laid down in my bed and couldn't sleep. My ears were filled with the loud beating of my heart.

I grinned, happy with how successful our meetup had been. I was definitely looking forward to seeing Harry again

A/n: I'm back!!! Sorry for all of these short chapters that may seem like filler. I'm trying to help further the relationship between y/n and all the boys because I feel like some of them didn't develop enough in year 1. I kind of have some really romantic plans for year 4, so I need to make sure the characters are close enough for that.

Happy Easter to those who celebrate!

See you guys Wednesday!

Part of Your World| D.M., M.R., C.D., H.P., F.W., G.W., and N.L.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora