That's exactly why she was exasperated when she heard Dazai wandered off again, trying to kill himself.

Really, she doesn't get what the big deal is.

Not to mention how tiring his nagging is when trying to get her to commit with him.

"Hey, hey, Kuni-kun! There he is!" Y/N called, clapping her hands together as she noticed the man standing next to someone across the canal.

"There you are, blockhead!" Kunikida called loudly, glaring daggers at Dazai.

If looks could kill, the bandaged man would be dead ten-times over.

(Though Y/N doubts Dazai would be against it.)

Dazai blinked, turning towards the duo that stood on the opposite side of the canal.

"Oh, hey." Dazai casually waved his hand, "Nice work, Kunikida-kun, Y/N-chan!"

"Nice work?" Kunikida hissed, not paying attention to the bubbly girl that beamed at the praise, "And just who caused all this work, you suicidal manic?! I've had enough of you disrupting our schedules!"

Dazai didn't answer as he averted his attention back to the white-ish haired boy.

Y/N tilted her head, observing the boy the best she could.

He — along with Dazai — were soaked in water as Y/N briefly wondered if he tried to drown himself this time.

He had white hair that was almost grey, but not in an old-person type of grey, like a misty grey. The hair was cut.. oddly.

He seemed to have segmental heterochromia, his eyes being purple on the top half of his iris and yellow along the bottom curve of his pupil.

He was.. pretty? A bit raggedy, but if Y/N dressed him up he could look super pretty!

"Oh, right! I have a great idea," Dazai spoke to the boy, snapping Y/N out of her thoughts, "He's a colleague of mine from work. Let's have him treat you to a meal."


Poor Kunikida, Y/N snickered behind her hand, lips curved up.


The boy's name was Atsushi Nakajima.

Atsushi... A name that meant 'compassionate warrior.'

It.. really didn't suit the boy.

He seemed to back away from any attention, meek and cowardly.

Of course, he was pretty, so atleast he has that going for him.

Y/N shrugged uncaringly, taking a bite out of the chocolate pocky she brought with her.

How she fit all the snacks in her pockets? Who knows.

"You're unbelievable!" Kunikida's voice draws Y/N back to reality, looking over at the two detectives.

"Who goes 'that's a nice river' and jumps into it in the middle of a job?!" Kunikida scolds the man who closed his eyes, facing away from the blond.

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