It was times like that that Y/N wondered why the universe decided to send them here, what reason they had for it. The loneliness ate at them, consuming every last bit of happiness, wishing that someone would come and save them.

Days like that, Y/N dragged themselves out of bed before sunrise, and collected some glaze lilies and made the walk up the mountain that they first landed on. Sitting at the top of the mountain, watching the sunrise and making the glaze lilies they had collected into a flower crown. It was... calming for them, creating the flower crown distracted them from their thoughts, and the sunrise was too beautiful. Seeing it in real life was breathtaking, and it was tranquil and peaceful. The soft wind that caressed their face, the sun beaming on them, warming them up.

It really did relax them.

Sleep-deprivation always kept Y/N on their toes, knowing that some people out there wouldn't hesitate to end their life, thinking they're a threat (Y/N was most definitely not thinking of a certain future Archon of Geo).

But they didn't think that sleep-deprivation came with hallucinations, not until they had stayed up for two days straight - which happened often in their past life.

Whilst Y/N was sleep-deprived, with having only about a maximum of an hours sleep, their mind couldn't conjure this image up that looked so real. Because if that was the case, then Y/N would have hallucinated Guizhong laying in a garden of flowers earlier. Much earlier. Her grey hair fading into a cerulean fanned around her like a halo, her blue hair-pin not to be seen. Her dress had long, shoulder-cut, billowing sleeves that covers her hands. The inside of the sleeves is adorned with the pattern of a starry night sky. The tails of her dress seem to appear to fragment at the ends, a few glaze lilies embroidered on her dress, along with a blue ankle bracelet on her ankle.

If they had to describe her, it would be that of a true goddess - an angel.

Y/N stood frozen when they saw her, asking themselves whether it was real or not, when they heard Guizhong speak.

Yeah, the h/c haired definitely couldn't hallucinate something like this so vividly.

"Hello stranger," She spoke softly, never once opening her eyes or looking in Y/N's direction, "What brings you here?"

Still frozen, the e/c eyed didn't know what to say; this was Guizhong in front of them. A person they loved in Genshin Impact, a technical canon-character (even though she died thousands of years before canon).

A gentle laugh that sounded like bells ringing brought them out of their thoughts, "Come, sit."

Y/N, not one to disobey pretty women, slowly made their way to Guizhong, hesitatingly sitting down a few feet away.

"What's your name?" Guizhong asked, her eyes now opened, her grey eyes locking with e/c eyes.

Y/N cleared their throat, suddenly feeling dehydrated, "Y/N L/N," They whispered, "May I know yours?"

"I'm Guizhong," The lady replied in kind, a soft smile adorning her youthful face, "So, what brings you here?"

"I live nearby, I couldn't sleep so I went up the mountain to watch the sunrise." Y/N responded, keeping their voice lone, hoping to convey that they weren't hostile (considering the fact that Guizhong could probably annihilate them in one hit), "I've not seen a..." The h/c haired paused, unsure which word to use, "person since I started staying here. It's nice to finally talk to another being."

Guizhong giggled with her eyes closed, her bagged sleeve held up to her mouth, "That sounds quite lonely, Y/N. Although, I'm here purely because I needed to get away from that old blockhead... always so serious."

𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐫𝐲, var!genshin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now