1."hi <3"

13 1 0

Aidan was in alot of stress, there were so manny things to do but only one Aidan. Editing, posting videos, doing streem's, actting, his new album. He didn't know what to do first.

So he figured that he would find someone to help with it, he looked through the internet, made job aplications for editing. At last he found someone that would be willing to travel to Toronto, for work and wasn't half bad in editing.

-Y/n Y/l/n
-Age: 19
-Was willing to travel to Toronto with him.

Aidan began to feel a bit nervos, was this a good idea, or was he being lazy, after all he would work all day and work on his album and editing the whole night. Mabe it was a good investment.

In Aidans little Toronto apartment there was a spear room, she could sleep there.

After all he had alot to do, he wouldn't even be here tomorow, and that was the day of her arival. Aidan had alot of acting, 9 hours to be exackt. His pearents weren't in Toronto with him, he was 19, he wasn't a minor anymore and he didn't want to make his pearents lives even harder with moving around the USA for his work. Aidan could be responsable, yeah mabe, mabe he was responsable, big mabe.

~time skip to tomorow~

It was 6:30 the usual time the main actor woke up.  He would have gone to the gym but he had a new song that he had to finish, so he got into his 'song record clauset' that worked wonders. The muisic was really good, it was starting to get to radios, Aidan's name was mencioned in magazines, podcasts and other medias, he was getting alot of attencion. (In the good way)

He looked at his phone incased in his bright orange phone case. 7:20. Fuck, he only had ten minutes to get ready. He had to be there on time. Aidan was playing the role of Five Hargreeves in season 4 of the umbrella academy.

He quickly got up and put on a random hoddie and sweatpants, as he was getting ready, he ran to the kitchen taking his keys and coffee with him.


Aidan was 5 hours into work, he did infact make it on time.  His apartment wasn't that far away.

There was finaly a break. 'Why was work so exhausting.' He thought the would text his new editor and see if she had arived yet.

A: Hi

Y: Hi

A: Have you arived yet?

Y: Yeah, i just got here five minutes ago.

A: K, if you r bored there are unfinshed videos in my room, u can finish the editing.

Y: K, btw when u getting here?

A: In like 4 hrs. I gotta go now, bye.

Y: K, bye.

~4 hours later~

Aidans pov:

I walked through my tiny Toronto apartment, i just came back, i opened the door to my room just to find a girl with (long/short/whatever u want) (your hair colour) sitting in my chair, her back facing me.


Hiii, im so sorryyyyy, this took so long i just have alot going on. I'l try to update more i swear. Another chap today i swear.

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