"Everyone feels pain. And why? Because of your arrogance. Your obsession with secrets." Isidora spits out every word. "They won't suffer any longer. Not my father, not my students." The witch's voice gets louder. "No one."

The four Professors take their wands out. Ready to attack any moment. "Isidora, set down your wand." Percival Rackham warns the young witch.

  But she just takes a step closer and takes her wand out as well. "Professor. You taught me to hone my power, not throw it away." Isidora's face is desperate.

  Percival Rackham shakes his head. The man's voice is full of disappointment as he says, "I did not teach you this." And he attacks the young woman.

Isidora blocks the spell with minimum effort and returns the favour. Everyone but Professor Rackham gets a rough landing and hits the walls of the metal cage. But the witch looks only at him. Isidora is as disappointed with his actions as the professor is with hers. Percival Rackham attacks again and this time their spells join. An arrogant smile blooms on Isidora's lips. She is much stronger. Charles Rookwood joins his friend but there is nothing even the two of them together can do. She consumed way too much power. Isidora Morganach is still way stronger than those two men.

  San Bakar kneels over Niahm Fitzerald's motionless body. The man looks desperate as he glances at Isidora, overpowering his two friends, and then back at the woman in front of him. His voice is almost hysterical as he stands up and casts the curse. Avada Kedavra. Isidora is dead even before her body hits the floor.

  San Bakar and Charles Rookwood hurry to where their friend lies. "She's alive." The first man mutters and glances at his other friend. Percival Rackham is crouched over Isidora's body. The man is examining the dead witch's wand.

  I breathe in. There are so many thoughts running through my head right now. I was right about the power. Using it is dangerous and will harm Anne. Might harm me as well, but I have no other choice.

Professor Fig is pacing in front of the portraits in the Map Chamber. As soon as I start walking, my steps echo through the room, all eyes are on me. I don't let anyone say a word. "The caverns below Hogwarts - where you fought Isidora. Is that the location of the final repository?"

The Keepers exchange a glance. Percival Rackham nods to my question. "It is." The man confirms. "You see, we could not destroy the strands of emotion Isidora had stolen from so many. So we did all that we could to keep them safe."

  No more lying and playing around with the words. The Professor tells me the whole truth this time. How they also realised that until the strands of emotion could be destroyed, the magic used to create them was a danger to wizardkind.

  "Hence, we became Keepers. Keepers of an unfathomable secret. We knew that - some day - one with the ability to see traces of ancient magic might be seduced by its power." So they built the trials to lead that person to them. To allow that person to prove to be worthy of the knowledge they'd kept hidden and the responsibility that accompanies it.

"Have I not proven myself, Professor? I need to get to that repository before Ranrok does." I try my best to hide the desperation in my voice. This whole speech is too long. We need to hurry.

  To my surprise, Professor Rackham nods. "You have, and you will. But the repository is protected by powerful Ancient Magic. To enter, you must craft a special wand from the four artefacts you found above our Pensives." Then I must go now and craft this wand. Perhaps Mr. Ollivander will help me. "Return with the wand, and we will open the way forward."

"I shall send an owl ahead to Ollivander. Whilst you visit him, I'll reach out to Professor Weasley." Professor Fig leads me out of the Map Chamber. Professor Weasley? I raise my brow in silent question. "I may have made an error in judgement by not informing her of Ranrok's intentions earlier. I only hope it's not too late. If Ranrok really is going to try to drill below Hogwarts, we'll need all the help we can get."

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