The oppisite world

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"Wyatt is straight" "Wyatt is straight" "Wyatt is straight" chanted all the kids from river valley middle school. "Awe Wyatt what's wrong your girl break up with you?" Said john.
"No ok leave me alone I'm gay I swear I like boys please leave me alone!"
There's nothing I could do that would make these people leave me alone. I don't know what's wrong with me. It's not like I intended for this to happen. Why doesn't anybody understand.
"Come on guys this ....Hetero is gonna give us a disease" said John
Everybody walked away.
"Are you okay?" I heard a voice say from behind.
I got up and brushed off the dirt.
"Yea thanks" I muttered.
"I'm Amy nice to meet you."
"I'm Wyatt, I have to go my moms are waiting for me outside".
"Okay ugh see you around".
"Yeah bye".
I ran out of the school yard all the way home where both of my moms were waiting for me.
"Did you try out for the theater club?" My second mom said.
"Actually um mom I've been trying to tell you this but.... I kinda wanna try out for the football team."
"The football team?! Isn't that for girls Wyatt."
"Yes but I really like it and I'm good at it"
"I do not care that's a girl sport and I am not about to allow my boy play football got it?."
"Yes mam in sorry"
"You better not be in to that Hetero sexual thing that is a sin"
"No mam i am not"
I walked up to my room closed the door and locked it.
The truth is I was confused.
I didn't understand any of this. Why can't boys date girls or play any of their sports or vice versa? Why does it have to be like this?.
Whatever happens I can't let anybody know about this I'll be dead.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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