-''You girls are amazing, thank youuu!''

Me and Minnie both blushed hard.. What is Y/N trying to do...


Haha, teasing those two is so fun. They go red so easily, so I just messed with them like crazy there. How can them two be so cute. I wonder to myself. It should be illegal to be as cute as Minnie and to be as gorgeous as Yuqi.

Anyways I digress, I made my way over to the room that I needed to go to, as I looked behind me, I saw them two, just staring at me. Haha. 

After getting to the training room, a short introductory video was played and we all introduced ourselves. There was only around 6 new employees, so I was even more happy I got selected. 

The training was to take about a week, Monday-Friday and it always between 11am-6pm.. so I wont have a lot free time the next week.  Oh, that's right I almost forgot Minnie's manager told me they were going to this restaurant at 20:00 today, I am obviously going to go. Mainly because I am starving, but also to see everyone.

There wasn't much training today, today was just a introductory session. As I left the room I checked my phone, I had a message from the manager.

Mins Manager

**Hey Y/N, hope your first day went well, Minnie is with me back to the hotel, she wanted to rest for a bit, also remember about the meal tonight at 20:00 if your going let me know, I will pick you up, after I get the girls there''


**Yes, I am obviously going, not to see the girls tho, I am just hungry ;)**

Mins Manager

**Sure sure, whatever, you know you like the girls,. anwyas, I will pick you up at your place at 19:45**


**Ok dokey**

Mins Manager

**Also, what did you do to Minnie, shes giggling and always embarrased. Shes imagining naughty things maybe? ;P**


**Manager! I may of teased her a little**

So, Minnie's manager, clearly doesn't know about Yuqi being there too. I guess Yuqi went off on her own accord, classic Yuqi that is. I need to head home. Been a decent day today. And I need to shower and get ready for this meal tonight. 


(Yuqi POV)

I need to start getting ready, manager will be here soon to come pick us up. 

-''Oh Yuqi, where did you go a few hours ago, you kind of left in a hurry?'' Soyeon asks

''Oh, um, I just went to, uh, to, to sight see. Yes, I went to see some stuff'' I reply nervously

-''Hmm, I dont think you did, where did go huh?'' Soyeon asks again teasing me

''I went sightseeing really'' I reply

--''Yuqi went to see Y/N'' Minnie says out of the blue

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