Darla sat up on her bed when she heard a tapping on her window. There was a young man standing there, waving at her. The girl gave him a tight lipped smile, and waved back which thankfully was all he wanted and he soon left after that.

Elvis had been on her mind all through out the tour, and it was driving her crazy. What she didn't know, was that he was feeling the exact same way. Darla got up from her bed, and started to pace in front of it. She was debating on whether she should go to his room and tell him how she feels or if she should just ignore it and go to bed.

The more she thought about it, the more distressed she got. Her love for Elvis was so strong, that not even music can overtake her love for him.

She was so scared that if she told him, that he would reject her and their friendship would be over. Tears appeared in her eyes at the thought of losing him. She would rather love him from afar, then lose him all together.

A knock on her hotel door broke her from her thoughts, making her sigh in annoyance.

"Get lost, Scotty" She called out, but didn't stop her pacing not even when the door opened and closed.

"Angel, what's the matter?" The sound of Elvis's voice made her stop mid-pace and quickly turned to the boy.

"Elvis? What are you doin' here?" Darla questioned him, while nervously swallowing the lump in her throat. Elvis frowned slightly when seeing the tears in her eyes, and he quickly grew worried.

"Answer my question first, Darla. What's wrong? Why you cryin?"

"I tell you, these new sensations, Elvis Presley and Darla Osbourne are breaking hearts all over the South"

"It's nothin' for you t'worry about, El" She brushed it off, but the Presley boy wasn't convinced and gently grabbed her chin between his pointer finger and thumb to make her look at him. Green eyes met blue ones, and Elvis swore he nearly melted just looking into them.

"Ya know you can tell me anythin', right? I've known you long enough t'know that there is somethin wrong" He said, making the girls lip quiver slightly and for her eyes to water again. It broke his heart to see her like this, and he just hoped there was something he could do to help her.

"I-I'm scared" Darla whispered, turning her head down so she wouldn't have to look Elvis in the eye.

"What are ya scared of, honey?" He asked softly, watching as the girl backed away from him and roughly rubbed her face.

"I wanna tell someone how I feel about 'em, but I'm terrified that they won't feel the same way 'bout me" Darla answered, not looking at the tall boy. Elvis felt his heart break, hearing that the girl he's in love with seems to love another.

"Who wouldn't they feel the same way, darlin? I mean, have ya met yourself? You're gorgeous, funny, sweet and caring. Whoever this person is would be stupid to not like ya, DeeDee" His words warmed Darla's heart, but she noticed that as he spoke there was a hint of sadness.

"Do you think i should tell him how I feel?" She asked. Elvis wanted to be selfish and tell her not to, but he wanted her to be happy. So if he had to watch her be happy with someone else, so be it.

"You should tell him" He smiled sadly, then started to head out of the room.

"I love you, Elvis" Darla said, making said boy stop in his tracks and slowly turned to the girl with wide eyes.

"What did you say?" He breathed out, hoping that he didn't hear her wrong. Darla smiled, walking towards him and cupped his face looking into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Elvis Presley, I can't even begin to tell you how much I love you and I don't mean it in a friendly way. I love you in the way that I want to be with you, and have a fut---" Darla was cut off quickly by a pair of soft lips smashing against hers. It caught her off guard at first, but she quickly melted into the kiss.

Elvis cupped her face in his large hands, while Darla grasped the front of his shirt tightly in her hands. The kiss was soft yet passionate. Everything around them seemed to melt away, and it was just them. Eventually the two pulled away, both of them lightly out of breathe.

"I'm guessin' you feel the same way then?" She giggled softly, making Elvis's lips curve up into a beaming smile.

"I've waited so long t'hear those words come from your beautiful mouth, darlin'. I love you so goddamn much It hurts" Elvis admitted, making Darla's heart melt. Their hearts were beating fast with excitement, and were filled with so much love and warmth.

"Wanna show me how much ya love me, Presley?" Darla asked with a smirk, making Elvis mirror her expression. His large hands moved down onto her ass, giving it a rough squeeze before he lifted her up by her thighs.

"It would be my absolute pleasure" He purred, capturing her lips again into a heated kiss.

The two spent the remainder of the night together, loving on each other, bare skinned and sweaty. They would definitely agree that that was the best night of their lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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