Chapter 1

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"Welcome y'all to the Louisiana Hayride, broadcasting live to twenty-six of these United States"

"How do think I feel" Jimmie started to sing, making the audience clap along to the song.

"I know your love's not real" The Colonel was at side stage, standing beside a man.

"You have the boy and girl that's singing the "Alright Right, Mama," that new record that's on the Sun label, eh?" Parker said.

"The pop jocks keep playing them. Country DJ's, too. Even the coloured kids, they're buyin' their record" The crew member explained to the man.

"The coloured ki---Well, where would I fond such an act?" Parker questioned the man.

"The dressin' room" He answered, pointing to a door with a sign that said Elvis Presley, Darla Osbourne and the Blue Moon Boys. The Colonel watched as a boy with a guitar rushed from the room, making the man follow him.

"Blue Moon Boys?" Asked one of the other crew members.


"You're up next" He said, making the boy curse and run out the room. Parker followed the boy to the back, and watched from afar.

"How's their stomachs?" The guitarist questioned a girl.

"I thought I'd grab them a Pepsi, but the poor thing's are still shaking like leaves" The girl answered with concern in her voice.

"I'll get them on the stage. Come on, let's go" The two along with another band member, ran to where the lead singers were waiting nervously.

"Here. It'll settle your stomachs" Said the girl, handing the cold glass bottles to the two standing before her.

"What if we forget the words on live radio?" Darla asked, her breathing starting to shake with how nervous she was feeling.

"All we gotta do out there's just a bit of clownin' around" Scotty said.

"That's how we got this thing started in the first place" Billy added, giving his two friends encouraging smiles.

"Scotty and Bill are right, Elvis, Darla. You've got each other and the band. The Lord gave us music to bring people together. We're like a family, and family is the most important thing of all" Gladys stated, straightening out their clothing.

"Amen" Vernon said.

"Come on now, Booby, DeeDee. Jesse's shining bright tonight" The group stood in a circle, all of them joining hands as they looked up at the sky.

"Shining down his strength upon you two" Darla squeezed Elvis's hand, earning a small smile from him. The group closed their eyes, as they started singing softly.

"Oh, I'll fly away..."


Jesse, Elvis's twin brother, who died at birth. Tragic.

"Vernon, come quick! It's another child"

"My darlin, you'll have the strength of two men"

But when my boy's daddy passed a bad check and got carted off to prison...the boy, his mama and Darla, Elvis's best friend, had to take one of the houses for white folks in a coloured neighbourhood.

Darla's mother died when she was three, which caused her dad to abandon her without a care in the world. The girl was taken in by Mr and Mrs Presley who were the Osbourne's next door neighbours.

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