After a few good minutes of taking deep breaths and reassuring that he was fine, he was able to stand back up on his own again. He ran his hand through his hair, following behind me as I opened the door to the magical Hospital. On the outside, it looked abandoned and run-down. It was a safety precaution. 

Inside, doctors and nurses had walked back and forth with clipboards in their hands. A few people stood at the receptionist's counter, looking content or extremely worried. The floors seemed to recently have been polished, which didn't end well with the way people have been walking in and out of here. 

A few of the staff had given me small waves, to which I had gave a curt nod in return. The rest of them had been giving me weird looks. Whether it was because I had Theo standing next to me or because of some past event. I had the tendency to steal other people's job, mainly because they either worked too slow or they didn't do the job correctly. 

Theo gave an audible gasp from beside me, whistling afterwards. 

''You've been working at St Mungo's this whole time?'' He asked, not taking his eyes from the sight of the massive ceiling above us. It was carved with different designs, along with a chandelier hanging in the middle. Now that seemed like a hazard, especially in a Hospital. 

''Yep.'' I nodded, starting my walk towards the receptionist desk. Theo followed close behind me, getting bumped a few times before grabbing my wrist to keep up with me. ''In the bites and scars division.'' 

Theo laughed from beside me. ''Well, isn't that ironic.'' He gave me a playful look. I couldn't help but give him a laugh and turn back to the lady at the desk. 

''Miss Diggory.'' They smiled up at me, away from the computer sitting in front of them. ''Glad to have you back.'' 

''Glad to be back.'' 

''Mr. Lumen has been restless since you're disappearance.''

''Has he now?'' I asked, filling out a form that the lady handed over to me. Theo rocked back and forth on his feet, looking down at the paper from over my shoulder. ''I'll go and see him first then.'' I placed the pen down on the paper, giving the lady a shirt smile and walking off. 

''Sheesh.'' Theo called in a whisper. ''Does everyone around here have a stick up their ass?'' 

''Honestly, yeah. I haven't met a staff here who doesn't.'' I answered. I glanced over to said person, seeing that he had his hands in his pockets with his figure slightly slumped forward, swerving left and right to avoid getting hit by any of the others. Then I took note of his appeal. ''You look nice.'' 

Theo looked at me with a toothy smile. Whatever facial hair had previously been grown, was now shaved off. His hair wasn't cut, but looked better now that it was tied behind him and not in a raggedy look. The dirt and smudge had been wiped off his face, showing how clear his skin was. 

''You almost look like a kid again.'' 

He didn't say anything in return, just looked to the ground with a smile on his face. I stopped outside the door that had the outfits for the doctors and nurses that staffed here. 

I told Theo to stay outside the door, since he couldn't come into a 'staff only' room. He sighed with a pout, but did so anyway. When I had gotten changed into my white doctors coat and shaded blue shirt, I stepped back outside. 

''All right, Theo,'' I addressed as I continued down the hallway. ''While I'm seeing this patient, you can explore. Just make sure to behave yourself.''

''Uh, no.'' He shook his head, quickening his pace. ''I'm coming with you.'' 

''Trust me, Theo. This man doesn't like everybody. Hell, I don't even know how much he likes me.'' 

[✓] 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝘆 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲. draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now