"Is it?" Harry let out a little laugh "I don't know if I emphasised my point enough. You see, I don't pull punches and I think that the lovely little Professor has not fully understood me yet"

"The rest of us would disagree"

"Fine" Harry stood up and his smile disappeared as he looked at McGonagall the same way an animal looks at it's pray "mention my parents again and I will be very displeased, compare me to them and I will end you and I am not...talking about your career. I understand that you used to have a husband who is no longer with you..." McGonagall gasped "died in the last war didn't he? I bet he'd be ashamed of you for the way you easily use my parents memory whenever it suits you, he'd also probably be ashamed about the fact that you didn't stop Dumbledore from dumping a baby at his hateful relatives in the middle of the cold night right after he lost those previously mentioned parents. You go and have a good think, then when you're done, decide who my parents would really be ashamed of. Me or you? Good day to you all" Harry turned and opened the door, he was about to leave when he stopped, he turned to McGonagall "I don't really know why your animal form is a cat, when you keep acting like such a bitch" Harry walked out before anyone could reply

"Minerva?" Dumbledore looked at McGonagall who's face had become a very pale white and she now had a tear dripping down her eyes

"I'm sorry Minerva" Sprout said as kindly as she could "but I have to agree with Mr Potter"

"Yes" Flitwick agreed, though he didn't seem to be trying to be kind like Sprout "that was out of line. While I may not know James as well as you did, I knew Lily just as good, if not better. And she certainly wouldn't approve of you using her memory against a child that angers you"

"Filius, that is enough" Dumbledore said

"Is it?" Flitwick challenged

"Yes, it is" Dumbledore said, his eyes hardened and without their signature twinkle. Flitwick grunted and walked out of the room, Sprout following. Dumbledore let out a deep sigh as he stood up and conjured a tissue for her and gently lead her to her seat "Minerva?" He asked, only to receive no answer "Minerva? Minerva, please speak to me. Minerva?"

"A...Albus...I...I..." Was all McGonagall managed to get out before she burst into tears, Albus gently pulled her into a hug as she sobbed on his shoulders

The next day at dinner, Albus sat at the head table, he watched as Harry entered and sat at the Ravenclaw table. He still couldn't believe the way that Harry had talked to Minerva, the poor woman was still so upset that she couldn't teach and her classes were cancelled for the week. Dumbledore realised one thing, Harry Potter certainly didn't pull any punches. McGonagall had offended him, maybe even hurt him with her comment about his parents. He reacted by using his venomous tongue and ripped the woman to shreads. It was like watching a Viper refuse to let go of it's prey.

Minerva McGonagall was, in Dumbledore's opinion, a very tough woman. But Harry had managed to do what many wouldn't even believe possible, reduce the woman to tears. McGonagall left that meeting feeling like she had betrayed not only the Potters but also the memory of her husband, the words were worsened by the fact that Harry was the son of two of her favourite students and that she had apparently felt that there was some truth to be found in his words.

As Dumbledore kept thinking, he noticed something, it was subtle but he noticed that most of the Slytherin's were actively trying to avoid looking at Harry Potter. Having lived so long and met so many different people, Dumbledore had gained a very useful skill of reading people's faces. If there was even a single thing that revealed their emotions then Dumbledore would be able to pick up on it. The most noticeable thing that Dumbledore saw was fear, throughout all of them. There was also various people with hidden awe, which was quite strange.

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