vegas eyes turn ice cold as he looked at pete, Pete's words ripping in his heart but he kept a steel face to not show how hurt he is, what does pete mean when he says he'd ask kinn to raise his child? did pete really thought that he'd just knock him up and run off act as if he had nothing to do  with it? or did pete think he wasn't good enough to be a father? that he needs kinn to raise up their child.

he didn't say any of his thoughts however and acted non-chalant, he didn't like to show his weakness even if it was in front of pete.. especially after what pete said !

he calmed himself well and answered "you don't have to tell him anything, actually from now on you won't have to even talk to him" vegas smiled sweetly as he caressed Pete's cheek " he's a closed case to you now"

pete didn't understand, and he was in so much distress already, vegas was already getting angry and he can tell that he was trying his best to keep calm.. the whole situation was a mess and they both were a mess too so he decided to not argue anymore and just moved closer to hug vegas and lay his head on his shoulder, he was already pregnant staying away from vegas now is just pointless, besides, he was craving vegas touch and maybe it was the baby that's making him crave vegas around this much.

even if he was going to abort his baby he wanted to give him happiness for the little time he has left with him, so he didn't deny himself nor his child what he wished for and that is.... vegas.

he could worry about it tomorrow, they were already going to the hospital tomorrow and maybe vegas is just hyped up now about being a father and the whole situation hasn't downed on him well yet, tomorrow he'll definitely change his mind and they would have to bury the seed of their love away, even it will damage his soul to kill his barely formed baby but he needs to do the important thing here and that is to keep vegas and the mionr family save from the destruction that's going to fall upon them because of him.

so for now he's going to bask in his lover warmth as a full family, for the first and the last time he wanted to make love with vegas while their love fruit was in his womb.

he lifted his head to look straight into vegas eyes all the anger and frustration from before gone and instead there was a look that vegas couldn't quite figure out, he was surprised even more when pete leaned his face closer and placed his lips on his kissing slowly.

the slow kiss turned more intense as pete now was kissing him open mouthed, pushing his tongue in vegas mouth.

vegas breathed hard at that and grabbed both of Pete's arms and after a light squeeze he started to take Pete's cardigan off, he dropped it to the floor and then turned them around so Pete's back would be in the direction of the bed as he started to walk little by little towards the bed pushing pete along with him until his legs hit the bed and fell down on top of it.

vegas took his t-shirt off quickly as he climbed back on top of the panting pete "I don't know what got into you suddenly but it's hot" whispered vegas

"i want you.. I'll always want you vegas" or maybe our child wants us together he wished to say that but he couldn't, it was too painful to say it out loud when he knows their won't be any child tomorrow.

pete pulled vegas head down and directed vegas mouth to his neck which vegas started to suck on with pleasure.

they had a rule of never leaving hickes in obvious places like the neck or arms or lips or anywhere that kinn or any of the main family might see and right now vegas was breaking this rule, pete knew.. he could feel it.. he could feel how vegas was kissing him and sucking him hard in the
prohibited places, and it wasn't just one or two.. it was many and vegas kept going further up in his neck and behind his ear and pete didn't stop him, not even once did he reminded him of their deal nor did he asked him to tone down his actions, pete just let him do as he wished, he felt like vegas earned it.

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