chapter 3 injured boy

Start from the beginning

The door flew open and it was Amy shocked while both parents of bruce outside. "Omg bruce what happened?" Bruce's mom came rushing over to see if her angel was okay. "Nothing I just um.." bruce looked over at vance who was death staring at bruce father. "Wait..this young man didn't do this to you right?" Bruce mom said as she turned around, vance turned his head to see what the conversation was about.

"No no! He helped me get over here" Bruce said as bruce mom sign in relief and turned back to face vance. "Oh thank you! It means alot, what's your name?" Bruce's mother said. "Oh uh vance" Vance said turning his head to face ms Yamada. "Well vance, thank you so much for helping my son I would like to know who did this if you know? And are you also okay because your knuckles look injury?" Bruce mom said as she put a sweet smile.

Vance felt warm because his mother never card about him since he was little. He hasn't got a good connection with his mom but when Bruce's mom talk to vance he felt happy knowing that someone's mother wasn't disgusted by him. "I'm alright, and it was just some Boys who were messing around but don't worry I already have them wrap around my finger to stay away from your son" Vance said as he turned his eyes to see brucr smile wide and wider.

"Oh thank you so much! Are you guys friends or? Because I would love to get to know you" ms Yamada said as Amy came closer to face the vance hopper. "Whoaa.. i heard about yoy but I never seen you ! You look sick, names amy" Amy said pushing bruce a little, bruce smiled amd pushed Amy away.

"Oh uh" as vance thought what to say Bruce's father came closer to face the boy. "Why are you near my son? I heard what you done leave my son alone!" Bruce's father demanded pointing the door. Vance got to the point where he was getting upset that there was it again, a parent disgusted by him. Vance nodded and walked away, what was she thinking? Why did he even stay there.. well he was getting comfortable with Bruce's mom but then he had to destroy it, which vance thought it was Bruce's father.


"craig why did you do that?" Ms Yamada whispered yelled, she was clearly upset. "Haven't you heard who he is?" Mr Yamada said crossing his arms. "Yea but that doesn't mean you could treat anyone with like that! Who knows that boy could of have sweet in him and I know it! He saved our son for Jesus christ" ms Yamada said. As the parents were arguing bruce was left with his sister asking questions, alot of them

"Sooo who did that?" Amy said touching one of the bruise. "Oww!! And just some kids" Bruce wince in pain. "Well did your light shining armor came to the rescue?" Amy said giggling while Bruce pushed her softly. "I feel bad for vance" Bruce says looking down at his fingers. "Why?" Amy says in concerned. "Well father treated him horrible just because of rumors." Bruce says whispering. "Is he your friend?" Amy says. "No, he doesn't want nothing to do with me even tho I try!" Bruce explained. "He is interested in you bruce, he just moved here so let him take time" Amy said placing a hand on bruce shoulder. "Your right. I should apologize tomorrow" Bruce said looking down to his sister.

°☆° TIME SKIP°☆°
the car ride home for vance was annoying, vance sat at the back of the car while his dad argued about why he shouldn't start fighting because he is sick and tired of receiving calls. "Vance what is the one thing I tell you! And you don't listen? Watch when we get home!" Vance father yelled while vance didn't give fucks because it was always the same, if vance did something he shouldn't have then he gets beaten till he sees nothing . "Oh come on hun vance was protecting a kid! That was something good he did, good job kiddo!" Vances step mother said winking at vance, vance has a step mom who loves him so much since she has never had kids her own. Vance would say he doesn't really like her because she isn't his mom but he does care for her.

"Oh Carol what would you know? Your just some stupid woman who doesn't know anything but shopping!" Vances father yelled making vance eyes go wide. Carol eyes went wide and she made a gasp noise. "Oh you didn't, imm beat your fucking ass back at home!" Carol yelled. Vance smiled seeing how of a badass his step mom was. Vance wished he had his mom to love him like his step mother does but others say he is disgraceful for atleast having someone loving him, but it wasn't that it was because it wasn't the same when a step parent loves you and your real parent to love you. He loves his mom to bits but she just gave up on him, so that was another reason why he had to move.

The car ride for Bruce was different from vance since his parents asked him alot of questions and his father getting mad at him. "Bruce do you not know how embarrassing that was? Your a man for crying out loud! You should be strong and better! But no your all hurt from some Boys, I'm very disappointed in you" Bruce father yelled. Bruce hated that word 'disappointed' because he felt Anything he would tried to do he wouldn't do a good job on and fail. Bruce would fell a disgrace to his famliy because he disappointed them for not fighting back. "Stop being so hard on him, he tried his best suck it up!" Bruce mother said. Once again bruce parents started to argue about him like always. He wished he was free liek his sister.

Both kids were annoyed already and wanted to get home to their rooms, especially bruce he needed rest from everyone. Finally bruce got home and once he opened the door he rushed up to his room and flew to his bed like he hasn't seen it in years. Bruce's eyes slowly start to grow heavy, then his mind thought about someone that made him smile to sleep. Bruce smiled wide thinking about...




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