You felt bad for both your father and frank in that moment though you couldn't really explain why you felt bad for your dad you just did .

" I won't i promise"

Your father basically ran out of the living room back to the kitchen and you made your way outside, made your way back to Frank . You knew some recuperating time would be good for Frank but still went outside where he was as if he was gravity it's self pulling you to back to him every time .

He didn't move to the sound of the door opening and closing, the small party inside was muffled outside . He leaned against the railing looking down to the rest of the yard . You slowly walk to stand next to him as if he'd attack you if you weren't careful.

Just as you got close his head turned and he peered at you over his shoulder as you flashed a small smile and stood next to him . His eyes lingered on you for a moment then he turned to face ahead again taking a sip of his beer .

The silence was deadly you held your breath trying not to break it but then you heard your own voice .

" I'm so sorry Frank"

He didn't budge just took another swig and watched ahead . Your breath faltered now as the air suddenly choked you . He still didn't say anything for a moment .

" nun to be sorry bout, happened a long time ago"

Then he pushed off the railing and went back inside and left you there in silence . You waited a minute or two before making your way back inside .

Just as you closed the door behind you, you crashed into a very familiar face from a while ago


Both of you quickly and quietly muttered out fast apologies and stood in a thick fog of awkwardness for a still moment. Then Theo broke it muttering as he had one hand buried in the front pocket of his denim jeans, while the other rubbed back and forth upon the nape of his neck .

" you know I real sorry 'bout last time I was super drunk, I'm not like that at all sober ..."

The apology hung in the air as the fog seemed to be coming in again.

" I know that you must not believe me but believe me I'll do anything to earn your trust and respect again"

You released a small sigh, Theo was the reason your crush on Frank became existentially possible. Yet your seemingly lost position now with Frank was a huge factor; Only one card seemed playable to you now GET OVER FRANK .

" I'll forgive you if you take me on a date"

Theo seemed surprised with the sudden suggestive air around you both but eagerly agreed . Getting your number and spewing out dates he was available.

" The sooner the better."

The young brunette face held a constant smile as he typed the date into his calendar for next Saturday. Breaking the silence was theos name being shouted from both your very happy looking mothers . Who eagerly called to Theo to hear of the great news they've been plotting .

You on the other hand walked back up to your room . You knew you'd hear an earful later about how rude this is but the party was just overwhelming now. You were overthinking everything .

You walked into your almost completely blackened room shutting the door behind you while your eyes adjusted to the shift in lighting . Your room slightly illuminated by the moon light let in through your window . As your eyes looked around your met with a black mass upon your bed .

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