Chapter 2

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You wake up to a ringing in your ears. It was an alarm you have set for work days. You must have forgotten to turn it off. As you roll over to turn it off, you can see a message from an unknown number.

Confused, you sit up to read the text. "Meet me at the Agency at 5 pm today, don't be late!" You just look at the text confusion growing. You figure you'll care about it once you're up and working right.

You get up out of bed, making your way to the kitchen to start making some food. It being 5 am, and you still being sleepy make a cup of coffee and start on a miso soup and a bowl of rice. As you wait for your food you sit at the table and try to think who the message could be from. Your guess is the detective from the agency you spoke to. But, you had no memory of giving him your personal number. Let along any number!

You ponder as you eat, 'Maybe he saw it on the paperwork? But no, he didn't open his eyes. Could it have been at father's? I wouldn't think so.' How ever he found it at least now you knew when to come in. But 5 pm was pretty late, wasn't it? Ah whatever, what would you know about being a detective anyway.


After you have showered and gotten dressed into a mint green dress shirt and a long navi blue pants. You tie you hair into a pony tail. It's what you wear most days to work but you've taken the month off because of your father passing. You work in a flower shop, one close to the middle of town so you can see a lot of people on some days.

You hope the rest of your co workers well be fine, you know they are fine but still. You feel like going in to work, mainly because it's only 8 am and you still have hours till you're meant to go to the agency. But you shouldn't.

So you're left with the question, what to do? Instead of work what do you do? 2 weeks before you would have gone to see your father for the day. But. Then you remember! You never looked up the detective, Ranpo Edogawa was it? Yes that's it.

You move to the small but perfect size desk where your laptop sits. As you type his name in and press enter a lot comes up. Mostly newspapers and reports, that makes sense. A lot of speculation on his self given title. And some pages about others working for the Armed Detective Agency. Nothing that one would call alarming.

You felt relief at the fact that it looks like the agency's best detective is helping you. All the reports of cases he was creaked. It brings you peace. Maybe your father can get the justice he deserves.

You spead the next hour going though different websites and reports on cases Edogawa has done in the past. As well as how he did so. It's fascinating reading how other describe his skills. Some say he has an ability some say he doesn't. You also learn about how the agency started in this time.

But your phone ringing catches you out of your thoughts.

It's one of your online friends you've known since high school. A French girl named Juliette. The 2 of you have meet in person a few times since graduation and you are still the best of friends, even if yous are one different sides of the world.

"You're up early, Julie?" You say to her.

"Ha-ha, yeah. More so that I haven't slept yet."

"That's ture." You laugh.
"So you're come to say Goodnight I'm guessing?"

"That and making sure you're taking care of yourself. You can reach out whenever you need. I can fl-" You cut her off.

"It's fine, Julie, no need to come over. I've got help from a detective agency now." There was a pause only for a second.

"That's great. Oh God I would stay longer but it's almost 1 am! But please remember to reach out to me if you need help! And all your friends there." Juliette berates you.

"Yes, yes, yes. Off to sleep with you. Goodnight!" You two part on call and make plans to message later if you both can. You decide that you should find something else to do. Get your mind off things.


You walk to a park that's not to fair. It's 10:10 am so people are out and about but it's still to early for the lunch time crowd that comes. So you can enjoy the sun.

You sit at a bench in a trees shade, pulling your handbag onto your lap. Grabing out a sappy western romance book. It's your guilty pleasure. Most are the same book with little differences, but you love them all the same. This one was different though, because it had a mystery in it. Not just the overplayed, unfortunat girl meets boy that changed it all. It's a mystery on who the male love interest is. Even if it wasn't your normal sappy romance, it was still a romance novel and that's all that mattered.

You sit and read and as you do a women with a black bob, a dress shirt paired with a black skirt and heals walks into the park. You being so engrossed in your book don't notice her sit down next to you. She waits for half a second before clearing her throat. Making you jump.

"Oh umm so sorry. I didn't notice you come sit down." You mark your spot and sit the book down. In her hands is a folder, a light brown one. And in her hair is a butterfly clip- wait, now that you look at her you notice.

"Akiko Yosano of the Armed Detective Agency, correct?" You question her.

"Yes, Ranpo sent me out to give you this." She hands you the folder with a gloved hand.
"He wants you to look at it before your appointment later." And with that she stood up and and walks to the park exit. You look down at the folder in your hands, it's not very thick but it's not that thin.

You decide it's best to get some lunch then go home to look over what could be in this. You place the folder into your handbag and start walking to your favourite spot.

1095 words

Umm so backstory for this story. One random night a friend and I who both liked bsd in March of 2023 though it would be fun to write x readers of bsd characters. I picked Ranpo to do and that how the first chapter came to be. But as you see for over a year I did nothing more. Yeah, but i wanted to do this so I did idk if I'll do more.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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