Chapter 43: Someone to Stay

Start from the beginning

"Actually, on second thought," he started, "We can hand the sketchbook and her homework in one trip. We'll kill two birds with one stone."

'Oh, that's how the saying goes,' she thought and sent a dumb, empty look. No thoughts behind those (e/c) eyes.

Meanwhile, the duo were beyond ecstatic at the revelation. That strange, rich lady did say that she'll accept other means as long as (y/n) would no longer be able to participate in the contest or something like that. Maybe they can destroy the sketchbook where she most likely had drawn her ideas, if she hadn't already started. Therefore, they wouldn't have to encounter Haitani Rindo's wrath for hurting his girlfriend.

Overall, it was a win-win scenario. They get a stupid amount of money and don't have to be beaten to a pulp for it.

"You can hand over the sketchbook and we'll make sure to deliver it safely," the other male held out his hand but Maya hesitated and hugged the item closer to her as if protecting it.

"No... I want to give it to nee-san myself..." she trailed off and casted her gaze downwards whilst her eyes warily peered up at them.

"You don't have to worry, we're friends with her," he said and reached his hand out, "So we'll head over there right noOAUGH—!"

Maya straight up bit him. Was it the best decision? No. But she wouldn't let anyone touch her sister's precious sketchbook. She knew how much it meant to her, after all.

"You fucking brat!" He hissed and forcibly tried grabbing the sketchbook, "Grab her! We'll just have to do this the hard way."

"Leave me alone, you weirdos!" Maya screamed and attempted to run back to her apartment.

The male next to him managed to catch the back of her school uniform and roughly pulled her back. She skidded on the pavement and tightly encased the book in her arms; however, one already pulled her arms apart. She quickly grabbed it with her right hand, but let out a cry of pain when the towering individual stepped on her wrist. Normally, the amount of pressure he was applying was rather forceful to anybody else, however, to a child was a bit much.


"AGHH!" Maya wailed and desperately clawed at his ankle with her other hand, "Let go! Let go!"

"Just give us the sketchbook already, you damn brat!" The other one yelled and tried to rip it away from her grasp.

"No!" She screamed. The panic in her eyes grew seeing the papers tear and her hold loosening. No... she can't let this happen, "Nee-san—!"



It was bittersweet watching her go.

"Do you want to hang out a bit longer?" Rindo questioned and stuffed his hands in his jacket's pockets, "Ran and I don't have any plans so we can hang out in your apartment, if you'd like."

"It's okay I just..." (y/n) started and awkwardly avoided eye contact whilst rubbing her arm, "I want to be alone right now. Sorry..."

The blonde male gave her an understanding smile. He grasped the side of her face and neck— allowing his fingers to be tangled in her hair— and leaned over to kiss her forehead.

"You don't have to apologize for that," he said and she tugged her lips upward before it fell back down into a frown, "I'll see you Monday, (y/n). Text me when you get home."

With his routine ruffle of her hair, Rindo let (y/n) head inside her designated train cart. She curtly smiled and waved back as she entered and took the closest seat to the window. There was a brief moment where they shared a reassuring look towards the other until the announcement was heard and the train soon departed— a faint memory of sorrowful violet and (e/c) eyes imprinted in their minds was all that was left.

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