𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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I slide my phone towards myself displaying the bucket list in which i've had for so long, going through different apps to check my notifications and reply to messages. The tapping of my fingernails on the screen filling the room as my father eats at the dinner table. 

"Iseul, how about we put our phones away at the table?" I look up at him, removing my eyes from the screen. "Huh?" I let out a noise of confusion, not hearing his words. "I made a lot of delicious food since its your first day of school, but i'm a bit hurt that you've only had a bite or two and you're only looking through your phone." I roll my eyes inwardly, "Sorry, it doesn't taste good." He furrows his brows, defending the food he made, "What? But I followed the chef's recipe exactly! Just try another bite!" I sigh and look down at my phone, the time showing 8:00 A.M "I have to go to school now." He stands up quickly, rushing to grab the car keys, "I-I'll give you a ride, hold on." I grab my bookbag, turning away to walk out of the door "I'm good." He frowns and goes to find the car keys, coming back to where I had previously been. "I found them! Let's go!-" He looks around, seeing that I've already left. "Iseul..."



I walk into the classroom, most of the seats full with students my age. I read the board which says, 

SEATING IS FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE. NO HOMEROOM TODAY DUE TO THE HOMEROOM                                                                           TEACHER'S PERSONAL REASONS.

'Sit wherever you want? Dang.. I would've come earlier if I knew it would be like this. I came right on time for nothing... Let's see which seats are left... Oh, the last remaining seat is all the way at the back? Sweet!'

I sit in the desk which is located in the left back of the classroom. Removing my books from my bookbag I notice a crumpled piece of paper near my desk.

'Tsk... what kind of person litters on the first day?'

I throw the paper into the blue trashcan, going to our storage compartments to put my stuff away.

"Hey, Jake!! This guy is sleeping again." One guy says.

"Hey, wake up! Let's go take a smoke outside!" Another guy says.

"Shut up, everyone can hear you." The first one laughs while the other taps his friend who's name is 'Jake'.

'Dang... I picked the wrong seat.'

"Damn... I just fell asleep. Why the hell are you two waking up someone who's sleeping?" Says Jake.

"What do you do every night? Jieun told us to bring you no matter what." The first one says.

"What the hell is this? Is this antique or something?" The second one laughs, picking up my phone. "It's so thick and heavy that it would probably fetch a good price for some scrap metal. Don't you agree?" He asks his friends. "Hey, Yongsun. I'll give you 100,000₩ if you use this."

Yongsun (Second guy) chuckles and looks at his friend in disgust, "You're kidding right? I'd rather use a 2G phone."

"Hey, Jake. You know a lot about phones right? What kind of phone is this?"

Jake takes the phone, inspecting it briefly before saying, "It's a Galaxy S2. It's been about 10 years since it was released. Who even still uses this- "

I dash over, snatching my phone from his hand. "Keep your hands off of my stuff." I say, glaring at him.

Yongsun and his other friend laugh loudly at me, "Wow, so scary! I almost peed myself just now!" His friend following with, "You better get a change of underwear then!" A buzz erupts from Yongsun's phone. "Oh, i'm getting a call from Jieun. You're seriously not gonna come?"

Jake looks at him annoyed, "Im not going. Piss off."

"Okay, you moody prick." The second one says while the other is waiting by the door saying, "That girl's cute. Get her number for me."

I sigh loudly, 'I can't believe i really thought it'd be my lucky day.'


I listen to the bustle of students playing dodge ball, sitting on the bleachers silently with my phone in hand.

"You're not playing dodgeball?" Jake asks.

"What does it matter if I play or not? Stop talking to me--" Someone shouts loudly at me, "HEY YOU, WATCH OUT!!" A ball comes flying towards my head and I drop my phone, laying against the bench as the ball bounces away innocently. "Oh my, Are you okay?!!" The same person shouts again. I don't respond, letting the embarrassment of the situation sink in, practically seeing the steam come from the heat of my head. 

"Hey.. Are you dead..?" Jake asks, A student behind him asking who would throw the ball so hard. My eyes shoot open I sit up, frantically looking for my phone while the others try to ask if I'm okay. 

"What's wrong? D-does something hurt a lot? Do you want to go to the nurse's?" One asks worriedly.

I gasp in horror when I see my phone in the grass. "N-No.. My phone..!" I sob loudly, going to the PE teacher, "Can I go home?" I ask, my eyes teary.

"Go home? I don't think that's really necessary... How about you go to the nurses first--" I cut him off, begging to go home. "Please...?" He looks at me slightly shocked, "O-on second thought, maybe you should go to the hospital.."


Words: 930

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