chapter 2 ♡

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After the incident in the student council room, Akane tried to avoid Teru whenever he could. If he saw him in the hallway, he would dash into a classroom or shield his face with his textbooks.

However, his little disguise tactic didn't work very well. As Akane saw Teru coming from the other end of the hallway, he quickly put his books in front of his face and tried not to be seen. "Aoi, I know it's you under there. It's pretty obvious.
What do I say... Akane panicked.
Teru took his hand and pushed the books to the side so he could see Akane's eyes.
"'re not very slick. Might want to try something else next time," Teru laughed.
"Ugh! Whatever. The only reason I was staring at you in the student council room is because I was zoning out. Stop trying to flatter yourself and act like it was because you're some kind of handsome prince charming!" Akane snapped back irratibly.
"Fiiine..." Teru said, pouting a little.
"If you'll excuse me, I'll be getting to class now."
"Go ahead! Just don't think about me too much and distract from your studies!" Teru called back, striding away.
"He's lucky we're in school right now...if we weren't I'd go crazy on his ass..." Akane muttered under his breath.

𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴...♡ - tbhk (terukane) 💭Where stories live. Discover now