4) hanging out isn't so bad

Start from the beginning

also, everyone has some sort of self care item from lance on them, and shiro couldn't help but laugh at how utterly ridiculous it looked.

lance plastered on a face mask— one of the clay ones, shiro thinks —and despite the mask drying hard on his face, it's cracked around the edges of his mouth and eyes, an aftermath from smiling and talking, completely unbothered.

pidge had put on a liquid face mask too, but it started to burn their skin, so lance had to wipe it off.

lance instead let them use a sheet mask he managed to bag at a space mall, and so now pidge works on their laptop with the addition of a pale white face mask stuck on their face, their bangs pinned back.

shiro, allura, and coran all recieved their own kinds of face masks as well, and even got some otherworldly equivalent of cucumbers (much to hunk's dismay, not wanting to use up the food they have. however, lance is very manipulative, so he got the cucumbers anyway)
to apply to their faces.

allura did end up eating some, but sue her. they had good texture.

keith was a.. more difficult case. lance tried to give him under-eye masks, commenting how his dark circles are getting worse, but keith refused. which ended up in a bickering fest.

which is happening. at this moment.

"trust me, key! it helps!" lance insists.

keith yelps from the ground, hands gripping desperately at lance's wrists in an attempt of defense as his hands advance an inch closer. "fuck no, those things look slimy!"

allura hums, unimpressed. "i'm betting that coran's case of the slipperies is slimier than whatever those masks feel like."

coran yelps a hey! in the back, earning a smaller giggle from allura as she tries to balance a cucumber on her nose.

lance groans, rolling his eyes in irritation. "red, i promise you, these feel like jesus' blessings were bestowed on your face. now put 'em on!" lance suddenly surges forward with strength, sticking them onto his face.

keith shrieks, immediately trying to peel them off. but before he can even reach his fingers to his face, lance plants his hands on his cheeks, thumbs swiping against the masks. and giving him a glare.

don't you dare take them off.

keith has to say, he is only mildly embarrassed of how fast he freezes, lowering his hands. he'll admit, the masks are slimy like he thought, but they're cold against his warm skin, so it felt nice.

lance sighs in relief, eyes relaxing. "see? not so bad, right?" he says, talking as if he were trying to convince a child to eat their vegetables.

keith's cheeks involuntarily flush at how tenderly lance's hands cup them, soothingly brushing his thumbs right under his eyes. lance's eyes seem to shimmer even in the dim light coming from the movie's screen, and keith is 100% admiring them.

man. he's so far gone.

pidge looks up from their laptop, noticing the lack of witty response.
their face drops into one of are you serious?
because honestly, the fact they aren't surprised at seeing the straight up P.D.A happening on the couch is sad.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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