1) hidden physique

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in which the group is training and are sparring in pairs, and suddenly everyone just seems to want to question what pidge's muscle looks like under the sweatshirt.


"you ever wonder what pidge is hiding under her shirt?" lance blurts, yelping when hunk takes the chance of inattentiveness and knocks him to the ground. he groans, rubbing his abdomen where hunk mercilessly jabbed him.

"okay, one, that sounds really perverted, and two, no i have not wondered." hunk replies slowly, dusting himself off. "i'm really hoping you mean something else."

lance pauses, processing his words. when it finally loads in, he gasps.
"NO! no, oh my god, no, not like- god, that is so- no, hunk. i meant like, do you think she had muscles. not that."

hunk ignores lance's flushed sputters of embarrassment and looks at their green paladin, tilting his head in thought.

pidge and keith are going at it, movements quick and swift as they both dodge and strike at each other. they both have sweat dripping from their skin, and are so obviously in need of a break, judging from how they both gasp for air every time they lunge at one another.

hunk hums, gathering his newly gathered data.

"i mean, she's bound to have muscles with all this training we've been doing. even i have some gains." hunk makes a point of lifting up his sleeve's cloth and flexing, showing the slight definition in his arms. earning an ooh from lance.

"well technically," a voice gasps, inhaling air. "we all have muscle-" a gasp. "so your discussion is- " another. "flawed." pidge's voice finally finishes, huffing. lance mimicks her, intentionally making exaggerated gasps which earns him a whack in the head.

"i know we all have muscles, pidge, i'm just curious to know if they're like-" he gestures awkwardly. "like, if they're- curved, or whatever."

keith makes his presence known and sighs, dragging a hand through his hair. "you mean if they're toned?"

lance snaps, eyes lit in determination as he points at keith. "yes. that."

pidge gives an unimpressed look. "dude, that was like, the easiest word."

"shut up, you use jibber jabber like dimensionality and biochemicalecularism."

"okay while dimensionality is a word, what the heck is biochemicalecularism."

"i hope you four have good reasons to be slacking." allura announces, approaching the group with an expectant glare. hunk raises his palms in surrender.

"i am not slacking. lance is just slacking. i have no partner to spar. i am a victim." hunk reports, earning a slow nod of somewhat understanding from the altean.

"bro shut up! you aren't doing sh-"

"lance." an accented voice interrupts, irritated.

"allura. do you think pidge has toned muscles?" lance deadpan.

pidge slaps her forehead, wincing when her glasses frames bump uncomfortably into her nose.

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