ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ⁸: AMBROSIA!

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Outfit Same as last chapter

Ambrosia's POV

"They're planning a funeral," Paul said and I furrowed my brows,

"Who is it?" I asked him, holding my hand out for the phone,

"You sure?" He asked me softly holding the phone away from his mouth with his hand over the receiver,

I nodded slowly and he gently placed the phone in my hand allowing me to hold it to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked softly and I heard a Shakey breath,

"Babygirl...," I heard an all to familiar southern drawl say and I froze my body shutting down to prepare for the onslaught of pain I was bound to feel,

"Don't hang up!" He cried softly as Paul gently placed his hand on my back as tears filled my vision.

"Please don't hang up, you don't even have to say anything just let me talk, listen to you breathe for a few minutes...it's all I ask," he pleaded pathetically and I closed my eyes letting the tears in my eyes roll down my face,

My body began to shake slightly, Paul gently rubbing circles against my spine with his thumb,

"Say what you need to say Jasper," I croaked my voice breaking, my jaw clenching as I looked at the floor trying to focus on anything other than the emotions I had locked away.

"I don't even know where to begin," he started a sad chuckle being heard which quickly turned into bated breaths,

"Fuck...I miss you so much, and when Carlisle told us why Alice and Edward went to you...it felt like my world shattered," he continued as I tried to even out my breathing,

Paul taking my hand in his as a way of showing me silent support,

"I- we never should have left... i-i- felt our bond weaken and it just about killed me...I rolled around on the floor calling out for you...seeing you even though you weren't there...I just wish...we never left, we should've been there to protect you," he sobbed I could hear the dry heaving that came from his chest as I shook like a leaf.

"I'm sorry babygirl...I'm so sorry, I should've stayed ..we should've stayed, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I love you... I'm sorry" he cried and I felt what was left of my heart breaking in my chest,

"Is that all you called for?" I mumbled trying to sound indifferent,

"Bab-," he tried and I shook my head,

"No jasper, you-you guys took my choice...MY CHOICE and walked away from me...you seriously couldn't have expected me to just forgive and forget ," I ranted,

"Amb-," he tried again and I felt a familiar anger run through me,

"You broke me jasper, all of you...you ripped my heart out and stomped on it...I made my choice and you all just shit on it..."we did it to keep you safe" no you ran because you were scared...well guess what I was scared too but did I run...no I embraced you with an open mind, told you things, I have never told anyone before, felt things that made me light up unlike anyone before... And yet you still left, and that betrayal...that's something I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive," I concluded taking a deep breath,

"Goodbye jasper," I stated,

"Amber wait-!" He called as I hung up the phone, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

'You're fine Amber, You're good, everything is okay they don't get to see how they broke you, they don't have that power, not anymore' I thought to myself,

Once I felt I was centered enough I looked at Paul who was already looking at me, worry in his eyes.

"please just Get me out of her-" I murmured as black spots filled my vision causing me to stumble,

Immortal love (cullens shared mate)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat