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When Pain turn's into love

How long can a heart take before it breaks?

Does love even exist?

Can you love?

Who is the one for you?

Will They love me back?

Will they take my side?

Should I forgive those who hurt me?

Love comes in many ways

Everyone has their own way of showing love

Everyone makes their own love language

and yet When people claim to show their love it ends up hurting someone

Two soul's

Broken in their own restpective ways

Unite together

Heal together

Love Together

What is love when there is no pain to process it

Love can be painful

And even so we crave for it

To be loved

Isn't it wonderful?

Ruby was in a white space she knew very well when meeting her sister

It's been 60 long year's since the main event's in her life

She had passed away from old age

She had fulfilled her life long dream

To be Free

Izek passed away 10 year's before her

Despite being painful she lived through it

For her children and grandchildren

Now that she has passed she can walk into the gates of peace

Ruby looked at her hands and instead of seeing old and wrinkly hands she saw soft and smoths ones

One her ring finger there was a red string attached to it

She followed the string to see where it went only to be met by a face she missed so much

Without realizing tears started to fall from her eye's 


"Wife" He said so lovingly

"IZEK!" She cried as she ran up to the man and tackled him in a hug as she cried

She cried in his arms as he held her and smiled

She missed him

His face

His voice

His warmth

She missed him as much as he missed her

"I'm here now let's go" He said wrapping his hand around her's

Ruby Smiled as they walked hand in hand with their red strings of fate

Slowly the white room turned into a flowery pathway as they made their way to the gate's

Stopping at the gates Ruby looked at Izek

Izek smiled and leaned in and kissed her as he said

'Let's go"

And so the gates opened with a bright light as the couple walked in

They were now at peace

They were now together forever

Just like their love


It's Too Late To Apologize (How to Get My Husband on My Side)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora