ch 4

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Ella pov

As I wake up, I look at my phone.  Louis texted me..hehe.

From Louis: We should all hang out again today!

To Louis: Definitely!! :)

I look at the clock and see that it’s already 11:00!  Woww!  I look around to see Keriden and Meaghan missing…They probably went to go get breakfast downstairs.  I turn and see Amy and Vanessa waking up.

“Morning!” I say

Amy grunts…she’s not a morning person haha

“Good morning” Vanessa says groggily, while yawning.  They both look at their phones and their faces light up.  Probably because Niall and Zayn texted them.  Woww great friends!  I say morning and they don’t even care haha…then again I’d probably do the same thing.

“Keriden and Meg went downstairs for food” Amy says.  Ha I’m so smart! “Speaking of food…I’m hungry” She continues

My stomach grumbles and I nod in agreement.  We all get ready and head downstairs.  They probably aren’t even serving breakfast at this time, but whatever.  We wait for the elevator to come, and just as it opens, Louis, Zayn, and Niall come.  What perfect timing!  I’m assuming the others are already downstairs.  They join us in the elevator and say good morning to us all.  Louis sounds sexy with his morning voice.  We don’t do much talking, seeing as we’re all still half asleep.  We arrive at the restaurant and sit with the others.  The breakfast buffet is still going in, sweet!  Niall and Amy don’t even sit down; they just head for the buffet.  The rest of us say hello and then head over to the buffet.  Niall and Amy have full plates and already start heading back to the table.  Once we all sit at the table and eat our food, everyone starts talking to each other.  All mindless and stupid conversations about random stuff.  Then Liam proposes the question, “What do ya want to do today?!”

“Sleep” Zayn says tiredly and we all laugh.

“Really though…we could go to the beach, to an amusement park, a waterpark…anything really!”  Liam continues.  Everyone shouts what they want to do, and of course everyone wants to do something different.

“One at a time, people!” Liam calms everyone down.

“Well, it seems as if everyone wants to do something different…we could either split up, or do everything on its separate day” Harry states.

“Alright, let’s take a vote…if you want to do everything together, raise your hand”  Almost everyone raises their hand, so we decide to do that.

“Now, if you want to go to an amusement park, raise your hand”  Lou continues.  I don’t raise my hand cuz I’m not too big on thrill rides.  Of course, Louis does though.  We are like completely opposite…sort of.  Oh well! I like him a lot.  “Water park?” he continues.  Almost everyone raises their hand…except me and Nicole and Zayn.  I’d prefer to go to the beach.

“Yayyy looks like we’re going to the water park!” Amy cheers.  She loves water parks.  I don’t mind them…but I don’t like those slides that are dark and enclosed.  I’m sure Louis will drag me on anyway.  We all go back to the room and change into our bathing suits.  We meet the boys in the lobby.  We each go to our couple and hold hands.  This is perfect!  We go outside and wait for a bus to come.

************ at waterpark ************

Amy pov

WE walk into the water park and find that it is not that busy.  That’s good!  I was expecting it to be packed seeing as its pretty late in the morning.  Maybe it’s because it’s a weekday.  We find a table and chairs and place our bags and towels down. Harry takes out the sunscreen and starts to put it on himself.  Then he offers to put it on Keriden. Louis does the same to Ella. Soon all the guys are rubbing their girlfriend’s backs and putting sunscreen on.  I don’t mind though.  After we all finish putting sunscreen on, Lou says “Lets go on that one!”  pointing at the biggest slide in the park.  I don’t mind, but I know Ella and Vanessa will probably want to go on something smaller to start off with haha.

“How bout we save that one for later, you know like lead up to that one cuz it’s the best one here” I say

“That’s true! How bout that one?!”  Lou agrees and points to a smaller one

Everyone nods in agreement and we start to walk to it.  It is one where you sit in tubes: singles, doubles or triples.  We all grab a double tube and go with our boyfriends…hehe.  The line is pretty short, so we don’t have to wait long.  Louis wants to go first, so he drags Ella with him.  I want to go, so I pull Niall in a similar way that Lou did to Ella haha.  I sit in the front and Niall sits behind me.  The lifeguard pushes our tube and we’re off!  Niall and I are both laughing and I can tell this day is going to be amazing!  The slide is soon over and we are dumped into a pool at the end.  We see Lou and Ella, and head over to where they are waiting.  We soon see Liam and Meg coming down.  Then Harry and Keriden, and last but not least Zayn and Nicole.  We all meet and Niall asks, “Where to next?!”  Louis points to the big slide with a hopeful look.

“Not yet Lou, be patient!” Liam says

Louis puts and starts walking to another slide.  After riding on a few more, we decide its time for lunch.

After we finish eating, Liam suggests, “How bout we wait a little before going on anymore”

“Sounds good!” We all reply.  However, Lou whines and pouts. We go into the lazy river and just sit in a tube to relax a little.  Louis is way in front of us and going under all the waterfalls and then trying to swim against the current back to us.  Its funny watching him struggle with that! He finally gives up and just holds onto the side to wait for us.  Once we catch up, he lets go and links arms with Ella.  Niall grabs my hand and slows us down.  We are far behind the others and just looking into each others eyes.  No one else is around, so he steals a kiss from me.  The others got our of the river and we see them looking for us.  We climb out and meet them.

“Where were you?!” Liam asks worriedly

“We must’ve gotten separated, but its ok Li” Niall replies

“Can we please go on that big slide now?!” Lou asks impatiently

“NOOOO” We all reply,

“Fine, we’re going on that one over there…looks like there’s three different ones on the same platform”

We walk over and climb the many stairs.  There’s an enclosed slide, and the other two are open.  Ella and Vanessa walk to the two that are open and wait in line.  They are followed by Harry, Zayn and Keriden. Liam, Meg, Niall and I follow Lou to the enclosed one.

****after sliding on all of them, except the biggesat one haha****

“Ok, we’ve gone on all the slides except the one I want to go on most!” Lou says

“And now is the time for that slide!”

“YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”  he squeals while jumping up and down.  He reminds me of a kid on Christmas morning!

He starts to run over to that slide.

“Umm I think I’m just gonna go to the lazy river” Vanessa says

“Yeah I’ll go with her” Ella states, as well.

“Anyone else not going?” I ask. Zayn raises his hand and the three of them wlak away.  The rest of us catch up to Louis.

“Where’s Ella?” Louis asks.

“She didn’t want to come, she’s with Vanessa” Meg replies.

“Oh, okay! Lets go!” he yells.

After we all meet up again, we leave the park. We wait for a bus to bring us back to the hotel.

A/N how was it? please comment with feedback!!!

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okkkkkkkkk welllllllll byeeee (:

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2013 ⏰

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