Chapter 1: What's Going On?

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What? What is this? Where am I? It's so bright! What do you want from me?! These..these people in masks are checking me?! What did I do wrong? The only thing I remember these people a beautiful woman and a man. I scream at them and ask what am I doing here? They just stay silent. I'm so confused, what's going on?! I wanna just go somewhere away from these people and just talk it out with someone I trust or know. The people are taking me to a room, they say I have... Amnesia? What what is that? They said it's something where my memory gets washed away? I wanna see someone now, I'm so scared! I want to see them, the people I saw in my head those nice people, I don't know why but I have to and I will. Whatever is going on I'm going to fix it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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