27 - I can?

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Nothing happened last night. After finishing the documentary, we went to bed to sleep. In my case, it was very difficult to sleep.
I can?
I knew what she wanted last night.
  But I pretended not to understand why she compared me to a lion and didn't exactly explain why. I know her well. She would never tell me directly what she wants. Everything will be more difficult, slowly. That's good actually.
I... I'm not ready yet.
It all happened so fast. Yesterday morning, I almost left my job. In the late afternoon, I got a girlfriend. During the night, if I took one more step... It was almost...
Ah... My face is hot again.
  "Mon, what happened? Why is her face red? Do you have a fever? Yah, who is sitting next to me, asks me worriedly as she touches the side of my
neck. "You are really hot."
"I don't have a fever."
"Why is your face red? I have been repairing it since morning."

"Are you thinking about naughty things?" Peung, my colleague,
  said. "Should be it. Her face got even redder."
"It's easy to notice on fair skin, but for tanned skin like mine... If I'm embarrassed, my skin darkens."
Yah and Peung are talking happily but suddenly rush back to work. I know without even looking. Khun Sam is coming back from the bathroom.
I can't look at her. Because?
The message app sound plays. It's from PP's gossip group, Khun Sam's friends want to know how things are going between us.
Kate: And you, Mon?
Tee: Is everything going well?
Kate: I know you read it, answer us.
They seem more excited than I am. I bite my lips before answering them.
  Doraemon: Fine.
Kate: How well? Tell us.
Doraemon: It's okay, nothing special.
Tee: Last night you stayed at her house?
Kate: It must have been good. Tell us the truth, don't lie. What happened
last night?
Doraemon: We watched a documentary about animals and then went to
Kate: There must be more. I do not believe this.
Martha: Wow, it won't work. Leave it to me, I'll ask. Did you sleep with her?
Jim asked me a clear question. My cell phone is about to fall out of my hand. I decide to ignore it and leave my phone on the table. For me, it's a sensitive subject.
However, Kate's curiosity wins out. She calls me, if I don't pick up she might
get upset with me. So I leave the room for privacy because I don't want anyone to overhear our conversation.
Surprise! It blends us into the same call. Kate, Tee and Jim are now on the line as well.
Kate: [You can't ignore us. You know we've been very supportive of your relationship with PP. You can't ignore us. I won't allow it.]
"No, I'm not ignoring you. I'm working, so it's uncomfortable to use the cell phone."
  Martha: [You can lie to the whole world, but you can't lie to the lying
goddesses.] "I'm not..."
Kate: [I won't blame you, just tell me, last night you went out with Khun Sam, you spent the night with her. And what happened next? You don't need to go into detail, just... what... what's the word again? Jim, the brave
one... tell her.]
Martha: [Huh? Throwing shit at me. Last night, did you sleep with Khun
My face is turning red and I almost have a blackout. Why do they need to ask this way? Our.
"Nothing happened... Okay, I'll tell you what happened last night. Hmm."
Because I can't help it anymore, I decide to tell them. There's noise in the background of the call, it must be Jim. Kate, on the other hand, is sighing
  and Tee is waiting anxiously.
Tee: [Hey! It looks positive. She's not a novice. She tried to start, but has little experience.]
Martha: [It wasn't at all what I expected. When are you going to have sex? And Mon, you are difficult to understand.]
Kate: [Did you play innocent?]
This question pokes my heart. There are some things I really don't know, but yesterday I pretended to be confused and not understand, because I knew well that Khun Sam was shy to go further.
  "I am not. I was just feeling weird."
Kate: [Oh baby girl, you're 24, almost 25. Don't complicate things. It's so hard to find someone who loves us and you love them too. You're dating now, aren't you?]
Kate said this in a sad tone, as if she hadn't found someone to love, but she must have just been upset, not mad.

  "I want to let it go, one step at a time."
  Tee: [If this was a novel, it would be over 300 pages long.]
Tee can't take it anymore. Now, I'm scratching my head, I'm scared and apprehensive. I'm so new and inexperienced in this world, so I don't want to rush things.
"I feel like we should get to know each other better. And Khun Sam doesn't have the courage to say things exactly to me. I want to be sure before it
Martha: [When she pointed at the television while the lions were mating, didn't she say exactly what she wanted? So what do you want? Wait for her to say 'Mon, let's mate?' No, it's not like that, dear.]
Kate: [Calm down, Jim. They are an odd couple. If they were experts, it wouldn't be fun.]
Kate is trying to cut her friend off and convince me.
Kate: [Mon, don't you want to get closer to her? You are the only one who will see her body without clothes. My goodness, so exciting.]
  Martha: [I'll answer for Mon. I want to!]
Jim said more excited than all. Now, I'm so ashamed.
I'm feeling weird. I can see Khun Sam without clothes. Just me, nobody else. Ahh... My face is turning red again.
"I... I want to see."

Kate: [If you keep this up, when will it happen? Besides, with what you did
  yesterday, she must have already lost her confidence. I know you two well.]
Martha: [You should start.]
I answer firmly. And everyone on the call goes silent.
"I asked her out first. I won't be first again. I just want her to tell me
  exactly what she thinks. But she can't.
Kate: [God, why are you so... Do I have to sleep with you and Khun Sam to teach?]
"Forget it, it's not important. Khun Sam and I, just being able to look each other in the eye is enough."
Martha: [Am I talking to a pony in a lavender garden?]
Tee: [So, you don't have to start, just don't get defensive.]
Now Tee has turned on serious mode to talk to me. Everyone is excited and
  listening to what she says.
Tee: [If Sam starts, just don't run away from her. Can you do that?]
They are focused on me. Despite not knowing what she means, I answer shyly.
"I can."

  Tee: [You promised me.]
  "Yes... I promised."
Today everything is going well, as boss and subordinate, nothing special has changed in our relationship.
Ah... And I'm still spending nights at Khun Sam's house.
The beautiful woman is doing everything normally and we almost forgot that we watched the lions mating. But she has something different. Khun
  Sam is not the same.
Today she bought me several snacks. "If you like."
She put everything on the table in front of the sofa where we were watching television yesterday. I feel weird because I don't remember telling her that I like snacks.
"How do you know I like snacks?"
"I saw you eating... Don't like it?" She said disappointed. When I see her, I
  hasten to respond.
"I like. But how do you know? Where? Have more?" There are several in the bag.
"Which one you like?" "Of all."

"Want to try this one, Taro?" She is looking in her bag for the fish treat,
  opens it and takes one out for me. "Open your mouth."
"What?... Yeah." I'm a little shy when she puts it in my mouth. I take a bite, but Khun Sam looks at me sadly. "What's it?"
"You bit too fast."
"Always like this."
"Then bite slowly. She could choke. Come, sit here." Khun Sam takes my
  hand and leads me to the couch. "Want a Pocky?"
"I want."
Today, she is treating me so well, it's abnormal. She keeps offering me snacks and is disappointed to see me eat so quickly.
"Slowly slowly."
"Fine." I bite and chew slowly, like a buffalo chews grass. Khun Sam keeps feeding me fish snacks.
"Don't eat it all... stop!"
  Khun Sam approaches me and bites into the same piece of fish that was in
my mouth. I stop chewing and now I understand why she is so bossy with me.
This is the hardest kiss in the world.
We are getting closer and closer. Now our faces are glued together.
I promise...
As I'm trying to bite the pieces apart, I remember what Tee told me, don't
  run away. I'm petrified, waiting for her to approach my mouth.
And now our lips are touching...
Before I was petrified, but now I'm more relaxed. She is kissing me
softly. She is not a bite, as we used to joke. I know she's trying her hardest
  even though she's shy.
Very good...
At first I thought she would be turned on, but I can feel her sweetness inside. I let her kiss me easily. She moves her lips slowly to teach me naturally and waits for my response. Although I've never done this before.
Kiss... I'm kissing.
I'm shaking and I push her away immediately when I feel her tongue in my
  mouth. The woman in front of me is in shock now.
"Ah..." Khun Sam looks around awkwardly. "Taro is very tasty. Next time we will try others."
"Khun Sam!"
I know what to do because I broke my promise to Tee and now I feel sorry
for Khun Sam. She must have mustered all the courage in the world to do
this. When I realize what I've done, I lift my hand and pull it by my neck
  towards me. She is in shock for a moment before I kiss her.
I'm not very good at it.
"I wasn't turning you down. I was shocked. It had a tongue... inside..."
"I saw it in Western soap operas, they use the language. Tee told me that too." Her face turns red as she tries to explain to me. "Didn't you like it?"
"It's not that. I was just shocked, it wasn't bad..." I said excitedly and out of
  breath. "Want to try again?"
She responds uncertainly. I'm too shy to face her. So I need to control my breathing before I speak.
"Then.... we... Oops."
Khun Sam closes his eyes and attacks me with a kiss without hearing me. She must think I'm too shy to say so. Because we both have no experience in love.
  For a moment, kissing and touching feels familiar. She pulls away from me,
breathes slowly and her face is turning red. Mine too, I'm not any different from her.
"Mon." "Yea?"
"You asked me to say exactly what I think... It's not easy, but I'll do my best
for you."
  "Why are you saying this?"
  "I just wanted to tell you. You are special to me, more than anyone." She
approaches me again. "And what I want to do right now is kiss you." "Very well."
"You can tell me exactly what you're thinking. Now I feel more special." I pull her face closer and smile. "But kisses might be an exception, tell me something else besides that."
  She, who is in front of me, looks me in the eyes with less shyness.
"Let me kiss you."

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