Good Job Tanqr...

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Credits to Halii_Meep for this idea 🤪

TW: E@t!ng D!s0rd3r
[Sabrina POV]

I woke up early in the morning feeling really light headed and nauseous. I didn't really think much of it since this was a normal thing for me because of my eating disorder. I got out of bed then went into the bathroom and waited to get everything out of my system. After a couple minutes of waiting, I heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Hey, are you okay in there Brina?" DJ asked me behind the bathroom door. "Y-yeah i'm g-" I said before I started throwing up. DJ unlocked the door with a hair-clip that was on my desk. "Sabrina. What did i tell you about this." DJ said. "I-i'm sorry.." I got up and felt super dizzy and fell. DJ caught me and then took me to bed. He them went downstairs to the lounge area where the competitors were.


I went downstairs into the lounge after leaving sabrina in bed. Kreek and Tanqr were fighting while Hoopie and Kayla were talking in the kitchen. Bella and Leah were in the main lounge while watching TV. "Hey i heard you and sabrina upstairs. What's wrong wither her?" Bella asked me as I got downstairs. "She has food poising from last night." I responded. "Oh. Well i hope she feels better!" Bella replied to me.

3rd person POV: (Hoopie & Kayla)

Kayla (Under her breath): I'm starting to grow some concerns for Sabrina...
Hoopie: What'd you say?

Kayla: It's about Sabrina and her eating disorder.

Hoopie: Wait she has an eating disorder!? When did this start?

Kayla: It's a long story. I'll  go check up on her.

Hoopie: Alright i'll be here if you need me.

Kayla went upstairs to go check up on Sabrina.

[Kayla POV]

I wen't upstairs to go check up on Sabrina and saw her lying on the bed while scrolling through her phone. "Hey are you okay Brina?" I asked her. "Why wouldn't I be okay?" Sabrina Responded. "Well you look pale and you ate a lot last night.." I said to her trying to not sound rude. She stared at me for a couple seconds in silence."I'm fine." Sabrina Replied. "Are you sure?" I asked her. "I said i'm fine!" Sabrina Responded to me while starting to get annoyed. "Okay then.." i said. I went back downstairs to Hoopie and we started talking again but i still couldn't get her off my mind.

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Time skip to dinner
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We all gathered around the dining table and started eating something that DJ cooked.
We talked for a couple minutes while eating until Tanqr made an offensive comment. "Sabrina, don't you think you're eating a bit too much?" Tanqr Commented. "Shut the fuck up." DJ Replied. "So what if she's eating "too much." It's none of your fucking business". Bella backed up DJ. "Okay, okay sorry. I was just saying-." "Don't say shit like that." Kreek interrupted Tanqr. "Yeah what the fuck!?" Hoopie Replied. "What the actual hell bro?" Ominous responded. "That's enough you guys. Lets just enjoy this food." Russo said. "You know what fuck you i already lost my appetite." Kreek responded. "Yeah. Me too." Lego replied.

We all started arguing for a bit especially Kreek, Tanqr, and DJ. I pulled Sabrina aside and talked to her. "Hey are you okay?" I asked her. Sabrina stared at me in silence and then started to tear up. I pulled her close to me and she started to cry. "I'm not gonna let him talk to you like that." I said to her. I took Sabrina with me back to the dining area and the guys were still arguing. "Can you all just shut the hell up!?" I shouted at the guys. They all looked at me and Kreek slowly backed away because of the look I was giving them. Everyone stopped arguing and then went back to their rooms since it was late. DJ then pulled Tanqr away into the kitchen. "Why the fuck would you say that?" DJ asked Tanqr. "I was just pointing it out i didn't know she would take it offensively." Tanqr replied. "Well good job, you triggered her eating disorder." DJ responded. Tanqr then looked at him with a surprised face. He then started to look guilty and DJ left. I was comforting Sabrina in her room while she was crying onto my chest. DJ then walked into the room and i was later excused by him and went back to my room.

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The next day

Kreek POV:

I woke up late at night due to Kayla shaking me. "Kreek wake up! You have a stream your gonna be late! The stream is gonna think you're dead!" Kayla said to me. I woke up in a panic and got ready for the stream. The comments about me being dead started to flood in like usual. I then started the stream and started talking about the latest Roblox news. We played doors for a while then i was requested to play piggy for the first time in a while. The stream then ended after playing a couple requested games. I streamed for about 5 and a half hours. I then turned off my computer and went downstairs to the dining room to eat breakfast. Everyone was kind of quiet and still pissed at Tanqr for last night. Bella gave Tanqr a death stare and he was kind of surprised because he had never seen her angry before. Hoopie was staying distanced from him when he tried to hug her. Kayla told me to sit with her near Sabrina. She was having a small talk with Sabrina while making sure she was okay from last night. I could tell Tanqr looked guilty but i din't know why. We finished breakfast and then went off to do our own things.

The end 🤪

Just kidding, ill write more very soon. Very invested into this story.
Word count: 1005

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