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A loud cry rang all around the room.

Relief on everyone's faces.

"It's a girl!" The doctor exclaimed.

The empress grunted once again in pain. "There's another one!"

After a long push, the baby was out, another cry rang across the room

"It's... A boy...?" The doctor said in confusion, he was fully expecting another girl as it was twins... But.. A boy?

The empress smiled nevertheless, still proud of her children. She sighed and looked proudly at her children.

"What will you name them, your majesty?" A nurse asked

"Nyx Adrienne Victoria Muriel for my lovely daughter... And Julian Estelle Muriel for my handsome little prince." The empress said with a beam. It was such an ineffable moment for the queen.


A giggle rang out

"Your Royal Highnesses! Please come back, it's time for your Vervian Class!" A maid shouted as she tried to catch up on the younger monarchs.

Julian the younger twin was caught beside the wall, "But Lacy, mother already taught us! It's useless if we already knew what we're going to do!" Julian whined.

"Her majesty only taught you the basics of your mother tongue, plus your highnesses, it is never bad to learn more of something you already know." Lacy said, "Now please tell me where your sister is." She finished with a sigh.

Julian seem to be stubborn about telling their maid where his sister's location, but eventually cave in, "She ran that way.."

Lacy put him down and went to the hallway Julian pointed.
As Lacy were out of earshot Julian giggled and whistled, Nyx appeared and smirked, "Oh she is so easily fooled...." she said with a smile, they both laughed and went to the kitchen for more treats.


Thank you for reading,
Your dearest author,

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