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Fresh start
2 x 1

Emilia kept her eyes on the road while Sophia looked out the window. Emilia had gotten full custody of her little sister after both of their parents were killed last year. The two have agreed to start a new life in Los Angeles after Emilia got a position with the fire department, 118.

"You sure..." Sophia said which caught Emilia's attention. "Sure of what?" Emilia questioned as she kept her eyes on the road. "This is a good idea." Sophia said. Emilia hummed. "I'm sure of it, it's a fresh start in a new city." Emilia said. "Maybe you can find someone down here, you are lonely that's for sure." Sophia said which made Emilia's eyes widen then she scoffed at her little sister.

"The right guy hasn't came into my life, I been cautious since..." Emilia said. "You know what, fuck Marcus." Sophia said which made Emilia's eyes widen. "Sophia Isabella Carter!" Emilia exclaimed. "What? you know it's true, that asshole treat you like shit, Emilia and you know it." Sophia snapped.

"Well, you aren't wrong, besides I hope you are ready to make friends here."  Emilia said. "I hope you are as well, you haven't been right since you lost Sarah." Sophia said. Emilia thought back on that horror.

A bullet hit Sarah in the chest which made Emilia gasped as she watched her best friend hit the ground. "SARAH!" Emilia said. Emilia made her way over to her best friend. "Stay with me Sarah." Emilia said as she tried her hardest to stop the bleeding but she was too late when she watch the life slip out of Sarah.

Emilia sighed. "I feel like it's still my fault." Emilia said as she shook her head. "No.. you stop that... Em, it's not your fault." Sophia said sternly to her sister. "I feel like I should've done more." Emilia said. "You did what you could." Sophia said.

Then Emilia pulled into the station, "Holy damn." Sophia said. "What did I tell you about the language." Emilia said sternly. "Yeah, yeah but Em, You are working in this station." Sophia said as she and Emilia hopped out of the truck. Then walked in, they were looking around. "Carter sisters?" They recognized the voice. "Eddie?" Sophia and Emilia questioned with shock. Eddie walked over and hugged Emilia. "I heard, I'm sorry about what you two had to go through." He told her then he pulled away. "I got full custody over her, then I got transferred here, fresh start." Emilia said. Eddie looked at Sophia, "You have grown so much since the last time I saw you." Eddie said and Sophia smiled. "How's Christopher?" Sophia asked. "He's doing well, he'll be pretty excited to hear that you two are here." Eddie said.

"What are you doing here?" Emilia then asked. "I'm also now a part of the 118." Eddie said. "That's cool, first you two went to school together now you'll be fire fighters together, sick!" Sophia exclaimed. "Emilia Carter." She looked up to see Fire fighters. "You must be Captain Bobby Nash, nice to meet you." Emilia said. "Nice to meet you, welcome to the 118." Bobby said. "Thank you, this is my little sister Sophia, she doesn't start school until next week, is it possible she can come with me until then?" Emilia asked. "Not a problem, I see you know Mr. Diaz here." Bobby said. "They went to school together sir, more like grew up together, they have history, good history." Sophia said. "Don't be blinded by my sister, she can be sweet but can also be chaos." Emilia said. "Sounds like Buck, I'm Hen." Hen said and Emilia smiled. She looked in the back. "I take it that's Buck?" Emilia asked. "It is, I'm Chimney." Chimney answered. "May I, Sophia get to know this lovely group." Emilia said. 

Sophia looked at her sister as she saw her walking to Buck. "I'm betting those two will be dating in six months." Sophia said. "Now Sophia..." Eddie said. "Eddie, I want my sister to be happy, ever since Marcus, she's been avoiding that." Sophia said. "Whose Marcus?" Hen asked. "Shitty, abusive ex boyfriend." Sophia replied. "I'm pretty sure your sister doesn't want you to use that language." Chimney said. "I agree with him." Eddie said. "Oh don't start that... but I meant it, my sister deserves the happiness, plus since Sarah, she hasn't made friends." Sophia said. "I heard about that." Eddie said. "What happened to Sarah if I may ask?" Bobby asked. "She was shot, by a sniper, my sister was on duty, she was shot in front of Emilia, Emilia tried to save her but she lost too much blood, Emilia blames herself for that." Sophia said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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