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" 'i'M cOuNtInG oN yOu' Tch...whatever" Akane said as he walked out of the restroom and headed to his first period class. He arrived a minute late due to the bathroom being in the other building. So when he walked in he felt like all eyes were him. "Ugh,great.." Mr.tsuchigomiori then walked in and introduced him to the class "Goodmorning children, we have a new student with us today...uh introduce yourself' Akane then walked out the front" Hi, my name is Aoi Akane, You can call me aoi-kun or akane-kun, it's a pleasure to meet you."With that he took his seat and class started. He didn't even bother to pay attention, he never really liked science. When passing period happened, he bumped into No.7, which was good because he had to ask about what he said before he left.
"Hey brat, What did you say before I left? About getting people to vote for me?"

"Ya, Minamoto is running for president so I thought you should be vice-president. I asked No.5 if he could sign you up, now all you have to do is make people vote for you. The assembly is in 4 days.Good luck." He then started to float away

"In 5 days?!..ugh..I can do that I think.." He then asked No.4 to give him some supplies for a poster of some sort. She then gave him the supplies and he started to work on a poster immediately. He would stand in front of the school entrance with the poster to vote for him. When the day finally arrived, he was nervous even though he had his speech memorized. While he was pacing around he bumped into the one person he didn't want to see.. Minamoto Teru.

"Ah, my deepest apologies I didn't mean to bump into you"Akane was in shock thinking Minamoto would recognize him. Fortunately for Akane, he didn't
"I'm sorry to ask but are you perapps new?My name is Minamoto Teru, I'm running for president."

"My name is Aoi Akane, I'm running for vice-president" He said as he picked up the papers

"Ohhh ya, I heard about you. You're new here then huh? Good look on being vice-president! Very bold of you to run in your first week here. " They then heard the principal call Terus name

"We should be going then huh? I'll vote for you as vice-president, you're pretty cute." Minamoto said as he winked at him walking onto the stage.Akane was glad he went only 2 minutes after him, it gave him enough for him to clear his blushing face.
"Next up, running for vice president, Aoi Akane"He then gave out his speech then got off and once everyone else gave out their speech it was time for people to vote. They put the names in the box then the principal was gone with the box checking who would get which role

"Okay, we have the votes in and here are the results." Akane was extremely nervous because he really needed to get the role in order to complete the deal with no.7 .

"As president, we have..Minamoto Teru!" When Akane heard that name he felt a shiver down his spine.

"No.7 was right, but it's only because of his looks I'm guessing." Akane thought to himself.

"For vice-president we have.." Akane was hoping for his name to be heard and..."Aoi Akane!" He felt a small weight off his shoulders. The ceremony then went on and once it had ended he went straight to the old building to inform no.7 with the news."Hey slimy pervert brat, I'm the vice-president now...So now all I have to do is gain his trust?

"Yes exactly that, and from what I heard it won't be that hard."

"What do you mean?"

"Because he called you cute, didn't he? I'm warning you, don't fall in love No.1. It's a do or die situation with him. He might find out you're supernatural and when he does, it's game over."

"Yes number No.7, I understand." Akane thought about the first thing he said: "Don't fall in love." Why would Akane ever like a guy like him? Akane had to head back soon so that way they could show him we're the student council room. When he was headed back he bumped into him again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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