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years ago.

"baby!" Giovanni called walking into the house from work, music played softly , a candle going and the house was clean as normal .

He heard Zara small giggles and cracked a smile .

walking around towards the play room he walked in seeing her playing with Zara who was giggling and laughing. "I'm home." He spoke up and she looked over at him with a small smile standing to her feet walking to him.

"I missed you so much." She dragged and he chuckled as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "you look handsome in your suit." She smirked , she stood on her tippy toes and slight pulled him down meeting his lips , " daughter in here."  He chuckled holding her hand that was making its way down.

"Cmon mama it's time for bed." Giovanni picked her up and she whined . "daddy ..I want to stay up with you guys ." She poked out her lip and his eyes soften making Ariel look at him blankly.

She now knew she was getting no penis tonight.

Walking past the two after cleaning the toys up she turned the light off . "baby." Giovanni called and she hummed, "is dad home yet-hey." Ares smiled seeing Giovanni , Apollo followed after not far behind . "hey." Apollo dragged and Giovanni chuckled.

"Where about to go ," ares said checking his phone , it was now 10:00 pm.

Ariel shook her head knowing exactly why, "mamma." Ares chuckled seeing her disgusted facial expression. He tried to kiss her forehead but she dodged it . "unt unt-I don't eat -please be quite your sister is still awake." Giovanni cut him off .

"you sleepy?" Ares asked her and she nodded reaching for him , he held her before rocking her to sleep. "I wuv you." She said and he smiled . "I love you too."

she was now asleep and he laid her in her bed before tucking her in, pressing a kiss on her cheek he moved back.


"wha?" Ariel looked at Giovanni who was staring at her .

Soon ares and Apollo left , Zara woke back up whining for Giovanni who had just got out the shower . "I literally pushed you out ..and he's your favorite?" Ariel frowned and Zara nodded with tears . "I want daddy." Her lip quivered .


Ariel laid in there shared bed reading a book , "You mad at me?" Ares walked in sitting on the edge watching her .

She had her AirPods in as she normally she did while she read.

he whined , he wanted her cuddled and to lay under her so bad .

"Baby..stop ignoring me ." He shook her and she looked at him taking her ear phones out , "sorry I had my headphones in." She sat them down and her book looking at him. "What's wrong?"

"I want to lay down." He frowned and she shook her head .

"cmon." She mumbled and he smiled crawling under the cover laying on her chest . "you smell ..nice." He smirked sliding his hand in her pants and she thanked him.

Wet as normal.

"how was work?"

"I don't wanna talk about work right now baby." He mumbled before he slid under the cover and she quickly pulled him up. "Nope." She shook her head no and he sucked his teeth.

Mumbling something in Italian.

She got from the bed walking into the closet making him roll his eyes before turning to his side going to bed.

He was now agitated.

"baby..are you mad?" She said crawling onto his lap laying her head on his chest and he didn't respond . He only rubbed her ass before pulling himself out of his pants sliding into her .

"Giovanni." She stammered placing her hands on his chest as he began to drill her from the bottom. "shit." He mumbled slapping her ass roughly . "s-slow down." She said in a panic .

She was so embarrassed, she was already cumming.

She tried to get off but he grabbed her waist holding her down. "go ahead and cum." He grunted flipping them over he put her legs on his shoulder . Slamming in and out of her constantly. "your taking me so well." He moaned throwing his head back .

"g-gio please slowdown." He ignored her pleads chasing his nut. "shh." He mumbled hearing the front door open and ares Apollo says there home .

He covered her mouth as she began to cum shaking.

He did the same releasing in her .

"no more." Her leg shook pushing him away and he chuckled walking to the bathroom cleaning himself up before her .

"why did you cum in me." she yelled whispered slapping his chest as he stood behind her in the mirror .

ignoring her statement giovanni cleaned her up and let her go lay down.

A knock sounded the door .

"wat yall doing in here!" Apollo wiggled his eyebrows and Giovanni chuckled , "She's asleep why?" He said referring to Ariel who now asleep.

he walked out of the room and downstairs with his sons and friends . "y'all so ugly and y'all look just alike." Luka pursed his lips and Giovanni narrowed his eyes . "bitch shut up." He chuckled sitting down.

"Where's Angel?"


"I was on FaceTime with her like 2 hours ago she's already sleep?"

"yes." Giovanni side eyed stefano who looked at him.

"oh." He said with a chuckle before he pulled from the blunt .

"did you sign the papers?" Giovanni asked Nikolai who nodded , Handing him the papers he sat down .

"we'll , let's get started ." gio clasped his hands together.


alright y'all.

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