Izuku was caught off guard by the generous offer but agreed immediately and sold half of his All Might merch to the Pro Hero in the next day. Though he was sad that he had to sell his collection, he was happy that he had the money needed for his mom's operation

He felt grateful for the man, that is why he felt very devastated when the man had sadly passed away after their fight against Overhaul.

Izuku was snapped out of his anxiety when the door of the Operating Room opened and came out the doctor. He quickly approached the doctor and asked how did the operation go.

The doctor just gave him an eye smile, "The operation was a success and Mrs. Midoriya just needs to rest for her swift recovery."

After hearing what the doctor said, Izuku released a breath that he didn't know he was holding. He thanked the doctor and bowed repeatedly. Waving him off, the doctor left Izuku alone as he looked at the door window of the OR.

The greenette could see his mom laying down on the bed, sleeping with hospital equipment connected to her. Izuku even if his outside the room, he could clearly see his mom having a better and calmer expression. Different when she was diagnosed of her illness.

Izuku smiled as a tear rolled down his cheek. Wiping it of, he turned away and began walking. He need to go back to their apartment to get some spare clothes for his mom to change into when she wakes up.

He should inform his teacher, Shota Aizawa or Eraser Head about this. And ask permission for not going to the dorm after curfew and probably ask that he keep his mom's condition a secret. He wouldn't want his friends to worry about them and last thing he want is Iida and Uraraka bombarding him with questions.



As Izuku was in the hospital, the rest of Class 1A are currently gathered in the common room, conversing and doing who knows what. All of them except for Katsuki Bakugo and Shoto Todoroki, since the two need to go wake up early in the morning for their Hero Public Safety Commission training activity for the Provisional License Exam that they both failed in.

Even while they were conversing it was a quiet night...


Iida was chasing Kaminari around the common room, while catching his reading glasses that are being thrown away as Kaminari wears them for a bit and takes them off.

"The smart glasses are one of these! I knew it, Iida. I won't stop until I find them!!" Kaminari said as he calmly threw another pair of glasses. He was persistent on becoming smarter, without studying that is. And one of these glasses is the key. Well, at least that's what he believed it to be.

The chase went for hours and it took a combination of Jirou using her Earphone Jacks to stop the blond and a Recipro Burst to catch Electrification User. This earned laughs from Sero and Mineta and giggles from most of the girls.

Kaminari was scolded by Iida and Aizawa who had dropped by to inform them that Izuku would be staying in his mom's place, completely keeping his mom's condition a secret. This earned a nod of understanding from Iida, Uraraka and the rest of the classes.

As the class converse with each other, one person was uncharacteristically quiet. Different from the bubbly and cheery personality she always shows, well her clothes show at least.

Toru Hagakure can be 'seen' quietly sitting on the far side of the couch in front of the television. Though she may appear to be listening to her best friend, Mina Ashido that was sitting next to her, by the looks of her body language.. there was something bothering her.

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