1. Losing Color

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Disclaimer: To my beautiful/handsome readers, this story is a remake of a deleted story. Which means, some of the events that will happen in this story will be different from the last story. Hope you understand. Without further ado, When Green Fades to White (Version 2.0) begin!


In a dimly lit room, we see a figure sprawled down in the center of the room. Sitting down in on the cold wooden floor of his dorm room was Izuku Midoriya. With his bandage covered hands wrapped around his legs as he stared blankly into space.

Looking closely, bags can be seen under his eyes as his usually cheerful eyes, now emotionless are currently releasing silent tears. Due to the physical and mental stress he is feeling, snow white strands of hair started growing and were poking out of his dark-green hair.

Covering his body were bandages and stitches under his usual plain white T-shirt with a kanji of the word "t-shirt" written on its front.

At first glance you would probably say that his injuries are caused by him overusing his Quirk or due to a villain attack. Well, that would be logical since he is training to become a hero.

That would probably be the case, right?

Well.... Let's go back to where this all started...



Outside the operating room, Izuku anxiously walked back and forth as he waited for the doctor to come out of the room. To why he was there is because of his mom, Inko Midoriya.

In the beginning of his Work Studies, she was admitted to the hospital for Cardiomyopathy. A cardiovascular disease that causes one's heart muscle to become diseased, enlarged or rigid, causing the heart to not pump blood effectively. To cure the disease, Inko would need to undergo a heart transplant which both son and mom would agree on.

The only problem was the cost of the transplant. It shocked Izuku on how expensive it was and almost made him collapse and broke down, crying.

However, Izuku made up his mind and told his mom to not worry about it. He was going to find a way to get the money, even after Inko declined his idea on finding a part time job.

Inko was all Izuku had left after his dad had left them for another woman and followed her to America. Izuku would do anything to not lose the last person who loved him endlessly.

It took him a couple of days to find jobs that allow students to work, weeks to earn the quarter of the amount and 2 months to get the half of the needed amount.

But, due to his mom's condition getting worse as time goes on and the money needed for the operation still not complete, with a heavy heart and swollen pride... He went to Sir Nighteye to ask for help.

He informed them about his mom's condition and operation and had to constantly wipe his tears that continued to leak out of his eyes. If it weren't such a serious conversation, Izuku would've blushed when Bubble Girl wrapped him in a hug while comforting him. Though he had to pay the price of teasing when Mirio happened to have taken a picture for future blackmail, which Izuku secretly asked a copy since he has a small crush on the blue skinned heroine.

After calming down and brainstorming, Sir Nighteye gave an offer to Izuku. He will be willing to buy half of the boy's All Might collection in return Sir Nighteye would give give him the rest of the needed money for his mom's operation and other hospital bills.

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