I rolled my eyes and continued walking into school. I go to my homeroom and I see Pokimane and her minions waiting for me at the door. Pokimane grabs me by my hoodie, making me drop my phone and book. She pins me against the lockers, making a loud clang sound. I hit my head on one of the locks. She slaps me in the face, leaving a huge red mark. "Stay the fuck away from him" She yells, banging my head against the lockers again. "HEY!" A deep, rough, voice yelled. I tried to recognize who the voice was coming from, but I started to black out. 

     I woke up in the nurse's office on the bed that they kept in the little room. I saw that someone was with me. "Are you okay?" He asked, with a concerned tone. It was Dream, he was holding my hand close to my chest. "Who's outside?" I asked in a hushed voice. "The principal, Pokimane, and her minions, the security guard, and her parents." He replied. "Am I in trouble?" I asked. "No," He said, "I'll be back in a minute."  

    I look up at the ceiling and hear the door close. The door re-opens, and Dream takes my hand and asks me to follow him out. He helps me get back on my feet, and I realize I'm not wearing shoes. I walk out in my socks, to see the principal and the security guard waiting for me. After about an hour of interrogations, Pokimane was suspended for two weeks. And no more privileges for the rest of the trimester. 

     I walk outside to see Dream with my belongings. "Why are my shoes off?" I ask him. "I don't know, ask Pokimane. Her excuse was that you took off your own shoes, and you slipped into the lockers." He responds. I put my shoes back on and grab my belongings. 

The bell rung

"What time is it?" I asked. He thought for a moment before responding, "It's probably around 10:30 right now." The principal walks out "Y/n! We're calling your uncle so you can be brought home! Okay?" 

    "Good luck," I said under my breath. Dream and I started talking again until the principal came out again. "Y/n, your uncle says that he can't come to get you right now, is there another way you could get home?" Dream spoke up. "I can bring her home if she wants." Dream and the principal both looked at me and I nodded my head yes. 

    Dream grabs my bag and then helps me up. We said goodbye and we started walking. I paused my step, and I turned to look at him. "How are we gonna get home?" I asked. "Well, not your home, but we're going to mine." He said. I looked at him for a moment but continued walking anyway. 

    We arrived at his house, and he went straight to the kitchen and told me to lie on the sofa. He brings me a bowl of cereal. When I finish eating, he puts on South Park, and we get comfortable lying on the sofa. After a while, I realized that I fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating in my pocket. I pick it up to see that it's my uncle. 

   "Yeah?" I ask. "Where the fuck are you?" He replies. I told him I was at a friend's house and that I fell asleep. "Are you coming home?" He demands. "No, I'm gonna sleep the night," I reply. "Just make sure you come home tomorrow," He says. 

     I hung up instantly to see that Dream was awake. "So you're sleeping over?" He asks sleepily with his hair all messed up. "Yeah, I guess if you're okay with it," I tell him. "I'm totally okay with it, I just have to tell my parents that I have company over." He says happily.

   "You can go in the guest room, there might be some girl products in there or something." He tells me. I walk upstairs and try to find the guest room. I shout down, asking where it is. And he replies, "First door on the right!" I find it and go in and it looked like a hotel room with the sheets pressed and the pillows perfectly white. 

   I very quickly closed the door behind me and ran into the bathroom. I saw that they had some of my everyday products. I start to get ready for my shower until I see the drool on my face. My face gets red, knowing that Dream saw me like that. I erased the thought from my head, jumping into the shower and quickly turning on the water. 

    I hear the door open, then close again. I get out of my shower and start drying off until I see a change of clothes and a note that reads:

"It's one of my mom's old shirts and I ran to the store to get you some panties."

   I smile sweetly at the note, but I realize that I have no time. I really want to get to bed. I quickly get dressed, find a spare toothbrush and toothpaste, and get myself ready for bed. I walked out of the bathroom, turning off the lights. I didn't realize that there was a TV right in front of the bed. I find a pen and a piece of paper and I write out a note thanking Dream and his parents for everything. I grab a piece of tape from the stationary drawer and stick it on the door. 

I close the door, crawl into bed, tuck myself in, turn off the lights, think about Dream, and finally, I happily went to sleep. 

End of Chapter 5  

Thanks for reading, sorry the end is a lil rushed, I was literally manifesting 

~Dream's Dream Girl~ (Dream x !Fem Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن