"Well I'd rather find out...then beat his ass afterwards," said Beyoncé

"Same," said Sherika, high fiving her.

"Well anyways...something else happened at work...basically-" Beyoncé was interrupted the knock of a door, and they all wondered who it was.

"Strawberry, can you get that please?"

"Certainly," she stood, and walked up to the door, looking through the peephole...no one was there. She opened the door, looking around to find the person, but nothing was there except for a wrapped box. She picked up the box, bringing it inside, and set it down on the floor.

"Who was baby?"

"I don't know, they just left a box on the front step," She looked at Nicki then the box.

"Well open it," Beyoncé demanded. Janet looked at Nicki, and she reluctantly nodded. Janet slid her fingers nervously over the paper and tore it open. She then flipped open the first flap. The second, and third, she looked at the tissue paper, and went to peek in, then screamed.

"OH MY GOD!!" She slid away, cupping her hands over her mouth and nose. All of them came to look, and they all had disgusted looks on their faces.

"What kind of fucked up joke is this?!" Ciara said. Nicki looked on at the Dead squirrel, finding a sheet of paper under it. She grabbed it, and unfolded it 4 times, then read it aloud.

"Look bitch. I don't have time for this!! The bitch is mine and I will have her!! She's mine damn it!! MINE!" she read it, and looked at Janet, who was still shaking. They stayed there in silence, when a strange beeping began.

"What's that sound?" Janet asked. They listened, and Nicki looked back down at the box, looking at a blinking red light, She panicked, and grabbed Janet pulling her to the ground.

"EVERYONE GET DOWN!!" She screamed, and everyone Jumped. Loud popping and crackling. Janet screamed, covering her head with her hands as Nicki lied on top of her to protect her, shielding her face as well. Sherika hid behind the recliner, while Ciara and Beyoncé ran out to the hallway and got down. The popping stopped, and then there was silence. Nicki looked up, and at the box, and saw it smoldering, about to catch on fire. She quickly got up, and grabbed her fire extinguisher, and covered the box before the fire got too big. Janet looked up, her eyes, tear stained. Nicki dropped the extinguisher on the floor, and took deep breathes, walking over to Janet, and hugging her close. Janet sobbed a little. The rest of the girls walked in, still shaking from the scare.

"This is some fucked up shit," Sherika said, running her hand through her hair.

"Who is this?"

"I don't know...but I am going to find out," Nicki said as she looked at Janet shake...She kissed her head, and held her close.

"I'll call the police," Beyoncé said. She grabbed her phone and dialed the number. Janet and Nicki sat down.

"You alright baby? We're you hurt?" Nicki asked.

"I-I should be asking you that. I'm fine...you protected me,"

"Like I said Strawberry, I'd do anything for you," She kissed her cheek, and hugged her. They all sat close to each other, waiting for the police to arrive.


"She got the message,"

"Good...I can't wait," said Maya's client...she was  at home, on the phone with them.

"Phase two will begin shortly,"

"Good," She hung up with the client, and looked at her four helpers. Two girls, and two men.

Expect the Unexpected  [Janet Jackson /Nicki Minaj ]Where stories live. Discover now