Chapter VIII - A Visit By SHIELD

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"Scream, and your entire staff dies," said a metallic voice as Helen Cho enters her laboratory.

"I could've killed you, Helen, the night we met. I didn't," continued Ultron.

"Do you expect a thank-you note?" Helen shot back, looking up into the robot's red eyes.

"I expect you to know why," Ultron responded, walking over to the cradle.

"This is the next me," he said, leaning over the metal casket and once more looking at Dr. Cho.

"The regeneration cradle prints tissue. It can't build a living body," she explained tensely.

"It can. You can. You lack the materials. But we all have room to improve," said Ultron as he walked toward Helen.

Another beaten-up Robot approached her, Loki's scepter glowing in its arms.

He pressed it against Helen's chest and Ultron watched as the doctor's eyes began to glaze over, leaving her ready to bid his every command.

Alyssa sat on her bed with her legs crossed, her nail in at her mouth as she bit them with every thought that crossed her mind.

She had used the last one and a half hours to think.

She still didn't fully understand everything yet, but she knew that a huge part of her life was simply missing.

Wiping the last remains of tears from her face, she took in a deep breath before standing up shakily and moving toward the door. She hadn't felt... right since her outburst, but she told herself there was nothing she could do right now.

The door creaked open, and Alyssa slowly stepped out of the guest room. A hand hesitantly grabbed the railing as she steadied herself, her ears perking up when she reached the final step.

Director Fury's voice, stoic as always, floated through the air, and Alyssa waited for a moment.

Is he here because of me?

"...Ultron took you folks out of play to buy himself time. My contacts all say he's building something. The amount of Vibranium he made off with, I don't think it's just one thing," he said, putting away some dishes. Alyssa breathed out in relief.

Nope, just here to talk about an insane killer robot, thank god.

"What about Ultron himself?" Steve questioned, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Oh, he's easy to track, he's everywhere. The guy is multiplying faster than a Catholic rabbit," Fury responded.

"You know, that may be the first time I've heard you make a joke, Fury," Alyssa commented, entering the kitchen and casually leaning against the door frame.

All the heads in the room turned to her, giving her small smiles. Alyssa decided to focus on those and not on the pitying looks in their eyes.

Tony stopped in his tracks as he went to pick up a dart but quickly resumed his game, not looking at Alyssa.

"How are you feeling, солнечный свет?" asked Natasha who was sitting at the table.

Alyssa smiled in response, walking over to the table and sitting down on the other side. Steve also glanced at her worriedly, but he quickly redirected his focus on Fury when Alyssa caught him looking.

"Is he still going after the launch codes?" Tony asked, still not acknowledging Alyssa's presence.

"Yes, he is. But he's not making any headway."

"I cracked the Pentagon's firewall in high school on a dare," Tony stated and Alyssa had to keep herself from rolling her eyes.

"Well, I contacted our friends at the Nexus about that," Fury replied.

"Nexus?" Steve asked, looking between them.

"It's the world's Internet hub in Oslo. Every byte of data flows through there. Fastest access on Earth," Bruce answered, who was standing in the corner next to Nat.

"So what'd he say?" Clint asked, fixing one of his multifunctional arrows.

"He's fixated on the missiles. But the codes are constantly being changed."

"By whom?"

"Parties unknown."

"Do we have an ally?" Natasha asked as she slid over some leftover fries to Alyssa, who accepted them gladly. After all, she hasn't eaten a thing since they arrived.

Yay, something to eat that wouldn't cause a full breakdown.

"Ultron's got an enemy. That's not the same thing. Still, I'd pay folding money to find out who it is," Fury countered, laying down the sponge he used to clean the dishes.

"I might need to visit Oslo. Find our Unknown," said Tony, fiddling with the darts between his fingers.

Alyssa looked at him briefly but then focused on her fries again.

Of course he'd want to get away.

"Well, this is good times, boss, but I was kind of hoping when I saw you, you'd have more than that," Natasha sighed, leaning back in her chair and looking at Fury.

"I do. I have you. Back in the day, I had eyes everywhere. Ears, everywhere else. You kids had all the tech you could dream up. Here we all are, back on Earth, with nothing but our wit and our will to save the Earth. Ultron says the Avengers are the only thing between him and his mission. And whether or not he admits it, his mission is global destruction. All this, laid in a grave. So stand. Outwit the platinum bastard," spoke Fury, glancing around the room.

"Careful, Steve doesn't like that kind of talk," Alyssa said, smirking with a mouth full of french fries.

"You know what, Starky?" Steve shot back, smiling faintly.

"So what does he want?" Fury asked, ignoring their little banter.

"To become better. Better than us. He keeps building bodies," Steve replied.

"Person bodies. The human form is inefficient. Biologically speaking, we're outmoded. But he keeps coming back to it," Tony added, leaning against the bar and overlooking the group.

"When you two programmed him to protect the human race, you amazingly failed," said Natasha, grabbing a handful of fries as she looked between Tony and Bruce.

"They don't need to be protected. They need to evolve. Ultron's going to evolve," Bruce uttered, propping himself up on the table. The others could see the gears turning in his head as he chipped away at his nails; a nervous habit.

"Bruce?" Nat asked, "you're gonna let us in on your thoughts?"

"Has anyone been in contact with Helen Cho?"

Messed Up | P. MaximoffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora