Chapter 5

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3rd Person Pov

Shinobu stared at Giyuu for a good bit. As she did this, Giyuu just continued staring at the moon wondering what the next step was to do. Then Giyuu looked at the other who was, of course already staring at him. Giyuu wasn't the best with eye contact, so his eyes slowly moved down to avoid it, sometimes taking glances up. Before the other closed her eyes and looked down.

"Are you not going to offer to go to sleep?" - Shinobu
"What?" - Giyuu
"Well, it is nighttime, Tomioka." - Shinobu
" I usually do bit of a night patrol around this time..." - Giyuu
"Oh well, there's no use for that now is there?" - Shinobu
"Mm.." - Giyuu
"Let's go to your estate since it's closer. " - Shinobu

Giyuu looked up at her, but this time Shinobu was the one looking outside.

"She's inviting herself to my estate..?" - Giyuu

"Are we gonna go or not?" - Shinobu.
"Okay." - Giyuu

Giyuu and Shinobu got up, pulling in the chairs for some reason, they thought it would still be polite to pull in the chairs. Before they left, Giyuu put it apon himself to grab the dishes and put them into the kitchen where he got them. Even though they were empty. He walked back out to Shinobu who was outside waiting as her haori softly swayed in the wind. Giyuu stared for a small bit. Before he finally walked up behind her, looking down as she looked up.

"Lead the way." - Shinobu

Giyuu nodded, he started to walk down the road. Shinobu followed behind. The further they got he slowly noticed the other was getting slower. Turning around, he looked down at her, as she stopped and looked up.

"Your movements are sluggish." - Giyuu
"How rude Tomioka. But your right. I suppose. I'm a bit upset still." - Shinobu
"Don't worry. We'll figure out what's going on." - Giyuu

A frown grew on the others face, her eyes squinted.

"'s not that, I mean. What if we are really the only ones left and this isn't some demons doing? What if all our friends and loved ones are dead?" - Shinobu

Giyuu looked down at the almost sobbing woman, he couldn't relate to being worried about any family as he didn't have any..well, blood family. He looked up.

"I suppose..I do miss Kanroji, Rengoku, Tanjiro and everyone else.." - Giyuu

He then looked down at Shinobu, putting a hand on her head and moving it side to side, making her hair grow a bit frizzy. She looked up again, a surprised expression now canceled out the sad one, this didn't stop the tear in her eye from falling though.

"I'm sure everyone is fine, and if they aren't then we will find whoever is behind this, and we'll bring them down. I promise. " - Giyuu

Shinobu smiled, she didn't expect the quiet and mysterious Raven to actually be able to comfort someone or even show emotion. Which, at the time he was frowning as well.

"I bet you miss Tanjiro, hm? I've noticed your sibling like bond." - Shinobu
"Let's just go." - Giyuu

She smiled; he was back to normal now. Brushing her off like a fly as usual. He was already walking again, but she was still upset. She ran up to behind him and grabbed a corner of his haori, causing him to stop again and look down.

"Can you make me another promise?" - Shinobu

Giyuu turned his body around, causing Shinobu's hand to force itself off the haori. She then looked up at Giyuu, she didn't have any tears, but a sad smile grew on her face.

"You'll stick beside me, right? I don't want to be alone. You're the only one left." - Shinobu
"Ok...I promise." - Giyuu

Shinobu then smiled, hugging Giyuu softly. Giyuu on the other hand widened his eyes a bit, he bit his lip trying to decide what to do before putting a hand on the other's back. She then let go and kept walking, Giyuu just watched her wall for a second before walking behind her then Infront.

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