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November 28th, 2012 / 1 month and 3 weeks later Wednesday

Tzuyus POV

School Hallways

It's been a month since those rumours about me. People fear me. Well as they should be. I looked at the image of me and mina in my locker. I noticed changes in Mina. Shes afraid to dump me, isn't she?

"Hey, bud".

I closed my locker and looked at Dahyun.

"Can you find out if Mina wants to break up with me because of these rumours?", I asked.

"Tzuyu don't be daft she loves you".

"If she loves me she wouldn't be avoiding me".

"Your overthinking. But I'll go ask her", she said and left.

~ A few minutes later ~

Minas POV

School Hallways


I stopped what I was doing and looked at Tzuyus best friend, Dahyun.

"Dahyun how can I help you?", I asked.

"I want you to be dead-on serious with me", she said.

"Okay. What's going on?", I asked.

"Are you afraid to dump Tzuyu because of the psychopath rumours?".

"I know the rumours but there's no evidence on her.  I think people just misjudged her because of her presence. I'm not dumping her anytime soon. I love her. So why are you asking this question?", I asked confused.

"She thought you wanted to dump her because you seemed to be avoiding her. So, she told me to ask you", she said.

"Where is that baby?", I asked.

"Her locker".


I closed my locker and headed off to Tzuyus.

Another part of the hallways

Even with these rumours going around you still get girls circling you despite most fearing you.

"Is someone jealous?".

I glared at Sana.

"What, you're glaring like you're going to kill them girls", she said.

"I will do if they don't back off", I said.

"Oh, come on Mina what do you expect Tzuys hot. Girls are going to be wanting her even with these accusations about her being a psychopath who goes around killing people".

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