06 | the after effects

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!warnings; this chapter includes abuse and sexual harassment, it may trigger the reader. please read at own expense. if you feel any discomfort at all, you may click off immediately, thank you.


hyunjin set up the area, grabbing his laptop and fixing his blankets, placing everything nicely in place while jeongin sat on the side.

"any movie we watch is fine with me, do you want me to grab a few snacks and drinks?" hyunjin asks, and the younger nodded.

"yes, especially drinks. i am getting quite dehydrated." he giggled, and hyunjin got off his bed.

"i'll go grab some stuff, you can go ahead and choose a movie in the meantime." he says, and jeongin got up on the bed and scrolled through all the movie choices while hyunjin left the room for a while.

he went down the stairs and towards the kitchen. he scavenged through the pantry and took out a few snacks for him and jeongin. he placed them on the counter while he went to the fridge to grab drinks.

as he was organizing everything on a tray, someone soon came up to him.

a hand wrapped around his waist, startling him.

hyunjin turned around and jumped, "not now, please..." he mumbled while trying to get out of the grasp.

"who's this new friend of yours, son?" hyunjin's father asked.

hyunjin managed to back away, "why do you need to know? every time, you just need to know every single friend i have."

"he's a new one. you've always been inviting beomgyu, but who is this one?"

"his name is jeongin and i met him today, please don't pull some stupid shit and have some respect like you do with beomgyu." hyunjin spoke fiercely.

"what makes you think i'm not gonna have respect for your friend, son?" hyunjin's father asked, stepping towards him but the other slapped his hand away.

"first of all, i am not your fucking son and you are not my fucking father—you are my step father. don't forget where you came from, my mom was nice enough to let you step foot in this household and marry you." the younger whispered, but his voice was shaky, like he was afraid.

hyunjin grabbed the tray of snacks and drinks and left, not hearing another word from his step father, he ran up the stairs as fast as he could and once he reached his room, he shut his door closed.

"i'm back, sorry if i took too long." hyunjin apologized with a slight smile.

"it's okay, i found a movie we can watch." jeongin replied.

hyunjin set the tray of things on the bed as he hopped on. he sat next to jeongin and pulled the covers over both of them.

"lets start!" hyunjin exclaimed while getting ready to play the movie.


a few hours later, the movie has finished and jeongin was now currently getting ready to leave hyunjin's house. the two were downstairs, hyunjin seeing jeongin out.

"i'll see you at school tomorrow!" hyunjin said while waving goodbye to the other who did the same.

"i enjoyed today, thanks hyunjin!" jeongin replied while waving as well before finally leaving the property.

hyunjin shut the door and when he turned around, he was slammed against the wall.

"you think you can just use that dirty mouth of yours towards me and think you can get away with that?" hyunjin's step father said, making the boy afraid of him, but he didn't want to display the truth.

"if i have a dirty mouth, then what must you have? because your mouth is filled with dirtiness." hyunjin replied bravely, though his body was shaking.

"you-!" the step father raised his hand, about to hit hyunjin, until the boy flinched and backed away.

"abusive." hyunjin mumbled under his breath, the other heard him, loud and clear.

the step father slapped hyunjin across the face, causing his cheek to have a pale red color as a mark.

he held his cheek in pain, but his step father wasn't yet done. he stepped closer and held hyunjin by his collar before slapping him again,

and again,

and again.


after ten minutes, hyunjin's face was swollen. he had bruises and marks all over his body, head to toe. he looked at himself through the mirror. he had to figure out a way how to cover up all these bruises before heading to school tomorrow.

he sighed before barging into his younger brother's room, who immediately sat up after seeing the look of the older.

"dad beat you again?" riki asked softly while getting up from his bed and heading towards his brother who was in pain.

"that filthy bitch doesn't even deserve the title of dad. he's nothing but a worthless man that mother just had pity of." hyunjin replied fiercely, making riki sigh.

the older looked around, "do you have any makeup? anything to cover all these bruises?"

riki looked around in his room, "i think i have makeup, unused." he says while going to his bathroom.

be opened the drawer and showed hyunjin, "these will probably cover it up...i'm not sure though because i'm not an expert with makeup."

hyunjin scoffed, "i'm not either, but i have to cover up."

"just watch some youtube tutorials or something." riki said while containing his laughter, for some reason.

"yeah yeah, whatever." hyunjin replied, sarcastically rolling his eye at the younger.

"but, why did he beat you up anyways?" riki asks, and hyunjin was about to leave.

"well, i guess it's the after effects of having a friend over that's not beomgyu." he said before leaving riki's room.

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