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~Gyuvin's POV~

*a thew days ago*

There was no schl that day so I decided to go on a walk & just listen to music.

Narae just recently recommended me iz*one & fromis_9 songs so she sent a whole playlist of all her fav songs of theirs. Seems like it's all their songs tbh.

But ngl they're songs are good.

"Yah Gyuvin-ah!"

I turned my head to see who was yelling my name & it turned out to be that Gwinam boy. He's known in my year grp for bullying students & really going extreme towards them.

I really hoped he'd never get to Narae.

"What do u want?" I said

Gwinam & his lil minions just walked towards me

"U dating Narae?"

"Um no"

I was confused to why'd he ask that.

"U r aren't u?" He smirked as he got closer to my face.

"Boys get me his phone."

I panicked. I tried to fight back which yeah it was going well until I twisted my hand.

He took my phone & smashed right infront of my face.


"Have fun talking to Narae now."

As soon as I got up they all ran away.

My phone was in bits & my hand was in so much pain.

I was able to get to the nearest hospital which wasn't far.

"Hello do u need help w anything?"
I reception lady asked.

"Yes I got into a fight & I twisted my hand."

"How much pain is it in?"

"A lot of pain."

"Alr we'll get u a doctor soon just wait but first how old are you?"


"Where are ur parents?"

"I came here on my own my parents didn't even know I'm hear or that I got into a fight."

"U didn't think of calling them?"

"My phones broken."

"Well then do u know their number? U need a supervisor w u."

"Yeah I do."

My parents ended up getting here quick & lord I had so much to explain.

They were so worried but pissed at the same time I felt bad but it was lowkey funny.

It had turned out tho that I needed a cast on my hand

"Gyuvin-ah~" my dad called me.
"We think bc of this cast & other minor injuries u should skip school for a thew days."

"What abt my education?"

"It'll be fine."

In fact I agreed w them bc I did need to rest.

*back to present times*

I ran to the hospital.

"Oh ur back again?" The reception lady said

"Can I see Gu Narae?"

"Yeah of course u can she's in room 102."

I walked very quickly bc there was a no running sign.

When I opened the door there was an Ahjussi sitting on his bed.

"Yah what ur u doing do u not know privacy get out young boy!"
I walked into the wrong room.

After I finally got into the right room I saw Narae, she was clearly awake.

"Gyuvin?" She called my name.

"Narae are you okay?" I ran up to her.

"Yeah I'm fine I think, just was recaping on what happened before I ended up here."

"What happened?"
I sat on the chair next to her bed & held her hand.

After she explained everything to me I realised that Gwinam must've planned it all out.

"Actually I have something to tell u too abt Gwinam."

"What is it?"

Then I explained to her my story.

Everything started to add up.

Narae also told me abt the vid Gwinam recorded & how he payed Sunghoon to do shitty stuff.

"Wait how hard did he kick u in the stomach?" I asked

"Very hard I have a lot of bruises there."
"Is ur hand okay?"

"Yeah it's fine."

"What abt everywhere else? U haven't been coming to schl so it must've been painful."

"It's not that painful."

Narae lifted up an eyebrow.

"Ok yeah it is but atleast I didn't faint like u did."

Narae laughed making me smile.

"Oh yeah r u hungry?" I asked Narae.

"I'm fine."

"Oh gosh ur never hungry the fact we're  always hanging out together but I've only seen u ever eat once & u didn't even finish the plate!~"

"I eat when I get home that's why, besides I had breakfast so I'm not that hungry."

I had a feeling she was lying but I didn't think much about it.

"Anyways how did all of that even make u faint?"

"Idk I guess I was just out of energy & scared."

"When can u leave the hospital?"

"Probably now."

"I'll ask the doctor stay here & rest."

Guys did u see the En Garde performance? GYUVIN RAPPER.
To all those ppl calling him a dozen stfu just bc he isn't a powerful all rounder doesn't mean he's a dozen 💀

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