Start from the beginning

"Ew! Get off of my desk your dirty!!" The girl Seojin unfortunately knew as na-yeon, yelled at the short boy sitting on her desk.

"Okay sorry, Jeez." He got up and started to wipe her desk off.

"Omg stop your gross!" She whined even more and shoved him away. Ms.Park finally came into the classroom and everyone rushed to their seats.

"Okay class, before we begin put your phones into this box." The students groaned as they all went to put their phones into the stupid box. Seojin however was smart and brought her brothers old phone that looked just like hers. She brought it up and Ms.park smiled at the girl. She went back to sit down, hiding her real phone in the pocket of her skirt. The lesson finally began.

"Hey, Jinnie.." Seojun tapped his sisters back.

"I told you not to call me that. What do you want Seojun?" Seojin answered him back clearly annoyed.

"Do you have a pencil-" Seojun was cut off by the sound of a girl walking into the classroom. She was covered in blood and she looked unstable. It was Kim Hyeon-ju. Seojin didn't really know the girl. All she knew was that she fell asleep in classes a lot. Seojun rushed over to the girl, followed by su-Hyeok and on-Jo. Seojin was concerned about the girl but didn't bother to follow them. The girl was talking about the science teacher. He tied her up and gave her a shot? Weird.

"Nam-ra, Seojin take care of the class while I'm gone please?" The two girls nodded at the teacher as she ran out of the class with the other 4 students.

Seojin kept thinking about what Hyeon-ju was talking about when she spoke about the science teacher. She always had a weird feeling about him. Ever since his son went missing he's been coming into school looking horrible and smelling horrible, according to na-yeon. He smelt like a dead corpse. How would she know what that smells like?

While Ms.park was gone Cheong-San and Gyeong-su made their way over to seojins desk. Although she hated their friend group she still knew the boys pretty well. They've been neighbors since 5th grade. They became friends with Seojun first of course then they met seojin.

"Seojinnnnnn, have you thought about our marriage yet?" Gyeong-su teased the girl. It's so obvious he likes her but he would never tell her no way!

"No I have not. And I never will." She spoke coldly towards the boy. He laughed.

"You're so cute when you don't care."

"Does that mean she's cute all the time?" Cheong-San shoved the boys shoulder a little to tease him.

"Yah, shut up." Gyeong-su pushed him back. Seojin slightly giggled at the sight but not enough to where the boys heard it. Nam-ra heard it though. She smiled slightly. She loved her laugh.

"What do you think happened with hyeon-ju? Seojin?" Cheong-San switched his attention to the silky haired female who was writing in her English book.

"I have no idea. Whatever it was wasn't very good. She had lots of cuts and bruises." Seojin responded boredly to the male. It was obvious she didn't really care.

"Jeez you could show a little concern."

"Why should I? I didn't know her. And her injury doesn't affect me in any way." Seojin only spoke her truth. Why should she care about someone who had no affect on her future?

"Harsh much?" Gyeong-su pouted at the females cold words. Just then Ms.park, Su hyeok, on-jo and Seojun came back into the classroom. Cheong-San and Gyeong-su ran over to on-jo making sure she was alright. Seojin slowly walked over to her brother and checked on him.

"Wow you were actually worried about me? I'm honored!" Seojun pretended to get emotional.

"This won't be a daily occurrence, it was just that girl didn't seem normal so I was worried something happened to you." Seojin scoffed and went back to her seat. A sulking Seojun following close behind.

The bell finally rang and everyone began heading home. Cheong-San, gyeong-su, on-Jo, I-sak, and the twins were walking on the field together. Seojun begged seojin to join them and not head straight home. After her getting annoyed with him she finally agreed.

"Cheong-San ask your mom if we can come over for chicken, im starving!" On-Jo and gyeong-su whined. The boy completely ignored them because he was texting his mother.

"I thought I told her to change the name.." The dark brown haired boy complained.

"I think the name is funny.." Seojin spoke lowly but Seojun heard her.

"Woah! My sister thinks something's funny? That's a first!" Seojun laughed and Seojin glared at him. This caused Cheong- San to whine making everyone else laugh.

They made it to the restaurant although it wasn't even opened yet.

"Ah cheong-San you brought friends! Oh Seojin dear I haven't seen you in forever!" The old woman made her way over to Seojin to give her a hug. The lady hugged her tightly. Seojin uncomfortably patted her back. She didn't really enjoy physical touch.

"Nice to see you as well ma'am." Seojin was finally let out of the hug and she bowed respectfully to the woman. The lady smiled and asked everyone to sit down.

"You all must be starving! I have a new recipe I'd like for you guys to try." Everyone sat down at one table. Seojin sat across from Seojun as he was next to On-Jo. Seojin could tell that Cheong-San was jealous of the seating arrangement.

Finally Cheong-Sans mother brought out the chicken. It looked delicious! Everyone thanked her for the food and dug in. Seojin however didn't eat much. She only had about 2 or 3 bites of one piece and claimed she was full.

"Are you sure dear? There is plenty more!" Cheong-sans mother was worried about the girls eating habits. She was on the thin side.

"Don't worry I'll be fine. I ate earlier." The silky haired girl reassured the old woman.

"Excuse me ma'am but the chicken is a bit salty.." On-Jo criticized the chicken claiming it was to salty. Seojin thought the same thing, that's why she didn't eat much of it. She hates salty food.

"Oh my, dear they're saying it's salty!!" Cheong-sans mother went back to the kitchen to speak with her husband. Everyone was joking around and Seojin just stayed quiet and played on her phone until it was time to leave.

"Seojin want me to walk you home~" Gyeong-su clung to the girls arm as they walked. Seojun snickered from the left side of her. She glared at her idiotic brother and turned her attention back to the puffy cheeked boy stuck to her. She sighed.

"It's okay gyeong-su I have this dufus to go home with." Seojin declined his offer in the nicest way possible. He whined but let go of the girl. They all dispersed. On-Jo and Cheong-San were left behind for some odd reason, but Seojin didn't really care. Nor did she have time too. She had to deal with her parents and her brother when she got home. Such a pain.

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