18 - "Practice What You Preach"

Start from the beginning

Lotus took his straw and started to stir his drink. But Yana could tell he wasn't interested in it. Lotus wasn't afraid being around Yana, just a little uncomfortable. He doubted Yana would, she knew better, but he just didn't want her to bring Lisa up trying to be petty.

Noelle pulled her phone out while the waitress came around to serve them.

"Hi Yana, hi Bonnie. Hello to the two newcomers. May I take your orders today?"

"Hi Brandy." Yana smiled. She narrowed her eyes playfully. "Why does Bonnie always request you?"

Brandy remembered him saying his step-sister was nosey. She glanced at him real quick and saw the look on his face. She looked back at Yana.

"Because the rest of the waitresses here have attitudes. They're younger women so I can see why he asks for me instead. I just do my job and get on with it."

"I hear you." Yana said. She proceeded to order as everyone went around the table.

Lotus felt his phone buzz. He pulled it out and read the text.

Noelle: What's wrong? Ur so quiet. ☹️

Lotus looked over at Noelle to see her staring at him inquisitively. He really liked her, she was very attentive. He was interrupted by Brandy when she asked him for his order.

After everyone ordered he simply shook his head from side to side indicating he was fine and nothing was wrong with him. The date was going fine but Lotus could feel Yana's eyes on him.

"You know any other languages Lotus?" Noelle asked him.

"No." He admitted. "Language has never interested me. Knowing more than one language is good to know in the world we live in, where you would most likely need more bilingual people. But I could ever get into something I don't feel passionate about."

"What about you guys?" Noelle asked. "Any other languages?"

Yana shook her head from side to side and Bonnie said no. Noelle was so in her own world she couldn't tell that Yana was not that interested to know her.

"When did you two meet?" Noelle questioned looking from Lotus to Bonnie.

"Middle school. We didn't go to the same school but he had to pass my area to get to his school. He usually got dropped off to school but one day he chose to walk and he was in this little preppy uniform. You could tell the clothes cost a lot. Some of my niggas was messing with him, trying to get his cellphone and shoes off him. He had some type of leather jawns on. They were ugly but I could tell they cost a grip. I thought he would back down and start crying but he threw his back pack down and squared up ready to fight. I was impressed."

"How many boys were there?" Noelle asked looking shocked.


Noelle gasped and looked at Lotus. She could not imagine Lotus in a fight, he was so well poised, calm and intelligent. He looked like he was the type to try and smooth talk his way out of things. So she could not see the little kid version of him fighting. It was just not plausible to her.

"But I ain't let them touch him. I was impressed he was ready to fight so I told them let him live. I told him not to come back around that area anymore and the next day he came right back, same block, same time and with the same expensive clothes and shoes like he wanted us to try him again. He had heart and I liked that so from then we became cool."

Noelle looked at Lotus while Yana rolled her eyes. She reached across the table to touch his hand. Her thick accent came out. "Lotus you are crazy. Why would you do something like that?"

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